Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy 14

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  1. xXMetalheadXx
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Where did you get the outfit?
    1. JoanaVan
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      How did it turn out? Purely by chance. I took the mod "Cropped and sexy outfits" [v1.01] (Vix). The only problem is that it is not on the Nexus (very strange). Downloaded from another site "Playground" (Russian site). I found it there. I do not know how to give you a link, because they can block. I can only give the name of the site, what is higher sour, and the name of the costume.

      And now! So that it turns out, as in the screenshot of my Hero. You need to install the mod (she will look half-naked with a bust). Changes the appearance (appearance of the outfit) - "Legendary Armored Suit". Then you put on the appearance (Cloak Type) - "Coat of the Chief Joker from" Zonko ". And on the bottom, the external clasping (appearance of Face Accessories) - "Legendary Mask", will be completely black.The strange thing is that when you put on a cape, then she mixes Vanilla with the mod. And it turns out that it doesn’t usually come out beautifully. Clumsy, but beautiful. )))

      P.S. Sorry, I used the translation through Google, so the translation may not correctly betray my thoughts, or explanation.