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Request for the author who ported Yen's outfit


  1. MadeUpName92
    • supporter
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    Search online for "Yennefer Hogwarts" and follow the results to Reddit. There you will find a link to a webpage you can download the mod, and many others that Nexus won't host.
    1. Xandoras
      • supporter
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      I searched like you said but I didn't find this mod like that. Two other clothing mods by Yennefer but not this one. Anyone have a link to this?
    2. makysek1989
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      hi, what two outfits did you find?
  2. whitewolf696
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    i feel like this is the perfect interpretation of a dark female wizard its attractive without being overly sexual. yet has a "intimidating" look about it that says dont mess with me
  3. savior007
    • premium
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    I'm hoping Wiwilz sees this i would like this variant but instead of the skin on the legs have our character wearing not to make anyone say  something crazy... but i second this
    1. Kmoney1014
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      they'll still say something. the yen outfit was fully clothed, no skin showing whatsoever. but because you could see her body shape, it made it inappropriate apparently. because the natural female body shape is purely sexual i guess. whats super weird to me is that they left the champions leggings up and that one is way more curvy and pants are way tighter. makes me wonder if it was maybe just a copyright issue with the yen mod. the credits did say the model was property of CDPR.

      but anyway i agree, this would be super cute! can't wait to see what other clothing mods crop up.
    2. MadeUpName92
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      • 20 kudos
      I'm using it and yes I've noticed she looks a bit older because her butt and breasts are just a little bit bigger. I mean "just" a little. None of that cartoon oversized stuff so many kids seems to like these days.

      Take a good look at the stock ingame Adventurers Ensemble (I posted a screen shot of both it and the Yennfer outfits), the pants are skin tight and you can clearly see panty lines showing through them. 

      I guess a little girl in sexy pants is ok, but modding her to be a little older is not.