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I'm about to finish this play through. Only two more main quests to go. I was getting tired of doing the side quests, jobs, arena challenges, etc., so decided it was time to see how the game ends. I'll go back and pick up some of the details in a second go 'round. There are many more collectibles and perq's than there were in HZD. It's a much bigger game in that respect.
I have enjoyed the game play very much. I don't know how it ends -- good ending I hope. I've been depressed by the deplorably sad endings of the last few games I've played. And DON'T SPOIL IT for me.
A little grit and darkness in games adds flavour when judiciously sprinkled over the top. When it's all you're force fed it's off-putting. I have more than enough grit, darkness, misery, pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice etc. right outside my door (metaphorically speaking) thank you very much. That's why I like my RPGs to be RPGs with an option for a happy ending if I work hard enough to achieve it. But that's just me.
yeah, Cali is a far cry from what it once was
Looks like you're gonna miss the bulk of Beryl. Still get plenty of rain I suspect.
Also the sea looks very inviting .)
Perfect song .)