Downloading issues

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Update: This issue should now be resolved.

Hi folks,

We're aware of some issues with our download mechanism today which certain users are experiencing on certain files. The problem stems from our current work trying to get the sites switched over to a fully SSL secured system -- a complex and costly procedure we've been working on for some time now to better secure our sites and your user data.

Because the way this is affecting the CDN, this issue is likely to get worse before it gets better as the CDN cache begins to empty out. We obviously hope to get it fixed as soon as possible, but it could take some time. Hopefully hours, rather than days!


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  1. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 3,032 kudos
    Going to close this now as people are asking for all sorts of local issues that are unrelated to the original reason for this news post. If you're experiencing an issue, please post it in our Bug Reporter.
  2. JetSteele
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    I've attempted multiple different approaches to somehow getting the word out unsuccessfully because Microsoft SmartScreen keeps blocking me from it or because the e-mail to [email protected] doesn't go through. Hoping this goes through as a comment on the Nexus Mods as this is one of the last things I could try to try to get into contact with someone.

    I've tried to get into the chat to see if a Moderator or Admin was present but I get locked out of it, I've tried to post topics but again was blocked by SmartScreen, I've tried PMing with the same results. Basically any attempts to contact any Nexus personnel has been blocked because of SmartScreen or failed to go through from my end. This is the only way that I can get into contact with the Nexus.

    To clarify Nexus Mods is unaffected by this and its purely the Nexus Forums that is affected.

    4 Hours ago I've been having no problem getting into the Nexus Forums (all are affected) and even had a discussion with a person trying to fix up his code for a Skyrim mod. Now 4 hours later I get a red screen from the Forums stating that:

    "This website has been reported as unsafe

    We recommend that you do not proceed to this website. It had been reported to Microsoft for containing threats to your computer that might reveal personal or financial information"

    clicking on More information reveals this:

    "Malicious software threat: This site contains links to viruses or other software programs that can reveal personal information stored or typed on your computer to malicious persons"

    I've already reported that this is a false threat to Microsoft however I am just one man, while reporting I saw an option that stated:

    "I am the owner or representative of this website and I want to report an incorrect warning about this website"

    My one word might not be enough to unblock Nexus Forums from this but if an admin of the site submitted a report I think it would be much more successful to unblock the Forums so they are usable again to others like me that have SmartScreen active.

    There is an option on the Warning that states:

    "Disregard and continue (not recommended)"

    However that only works to view the page there is something about this block that prevents me from posting anything after I get to the page. As soon as I click post or attempt to enter chat it blocks me once more then kicks me back to the previous page when I click proceed.

    If someone can get an admin or moderator to see this then I would be grateful because as it stands SmartScreen is blocking me from anything since communications is built into the forums framework.

    I just wanted to bring this to the site admins or moderators attention so this can hopefully be resolved.

    Thank you for your time,
    1. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 99 kudos
      Can confirm what you raise here, since this morning is on Microsoft Smartscreen Filter here and reported as malicous resource and blocked, the website not, until now.
    2. wwillis101
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos

      im mcluvin the being blocked because the manual donld is unsafe. cant get a thing to to download at all.
  3. UntamediNeon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I havnt been able to download anything for months... everytime i click download with manager nothings seems to happen at all and its been like this forever for me
    1. Neuba
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      you need to relate the download-with-nmm-link with your NMM..and it should work ^^ go to the settings of nmm and you'll see.
    2. wwillis101
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      how do we 'relate'?
  4. Allfree789
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't even click on the tabs of any mod and when I pressed f12 on chrome it says that there are ReferenceErrors. I also tried to use a firefox but I get the same results. The worst part is that I can't even log in the forums to ask for help because altough I click on the buttoms, it doesn't do anything
  5. dannydpgh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good evening. I see that it states issue should now be resolved. When I click any NMM download link nothing seems to happen. I am trying to determine if I've done something wrong during Nexus Mod Manager set up. Hoping to get some help.
  6. megnamation
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Why when I want to download, download manager detect and can pickup the link tod download and sometimes just through browser ? Depends on the server load ?
  7. eisenkette89
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I dont have such issues on just one file. It's on every single file. I can not download anything wirh the manager and manual doesn't work for me.
  8. ff7legend
    • premium
    • 1,497 kudos
    There are times where I can't even reach the Nexus sites at all. Downloading ins't so much an issue for me as getting the Skyrim Nexus page to load up at all is. I have a 60 Gb/sec internet connection & all other sites load like they're supposed to. Nexus however doesn't want to load at all & this has been going on since at least yesterday.
    1. Xander9009
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      Are you sure you've got your internet speed right? If so, where are you? That seems like a massive number. will tell you your internet speed. (Not that that would matter if other sites load fine. Just curious.)
    2. SillySilverSongbook
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I only have about a 40 Mb DL speed and I was having an issue the other night loading the pages too.
    3. gapcomputer
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      yup also have 100 mb/s with Verizon, nothing else connected and the pages where taken a long time to load
    4. Sunip
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      60 WHAT?
      Where are you all living that you not just get 40+ MB, but GB? If I'm lucky I get 300 KB/s, rarely 400...
    5. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,497 kudos
      Gb is not the same as GB. Gb stands for Gigabit while GB stands for Gigabyte. Two very different things/terms. Gb is a measurement of Internet download speeds while GB is a measurement of data storage/capacity. My 60 Gb/sec internet connection enables me to get up to 8 MB/sec download speeds when the Nexus sites are working right. It helps to have a cable internet connection & a high-end Netgear wireless router (Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router by Netgear) to connect to while at home. I pay a reasonable rate for my internet while my router was extremely expensive but well worth the investment.
    6. Dark0ne
      • Site Owner
      • 3,032 kudos
      If you mean Gb to mean "Gigabit" then 60 Gigabit a second would allow you to download (if anywhere had the throughput) at 7,000+MB/second (or 7+GB/second if you prefer).

      I highly doubt you have that fast a connection unless you're currently sat in a Google or NSA data centre.

      I'm happy to be proven wrong, though. Even a test from would show us something. Naturally it wouldn't be able to show a full 60Gbit connection, but it'd probably be able to show us if you're even on a Gigabit connection, for example.

      I don't think you're a liar, mind. I just think you might be slightly confused. Case-in-point; the Netgear Nighthawk X6 isn't anywhere near high-end enough to handle 60Gbit of traffic. Indeed, it can only handle a maximum of 4Gbit over LAN and 3.2Gbit over wireless. And that's local network, which is nothing to do with your internet per-se, but essentially, if you had 10Gbit internet, for example, that router could still only serve a maximum of 4Gbit of that to your PC.
  9. FoolDeadPool
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This does not affect the pleasure of the nexus)))) :3
    • premium
    • 99 kudos
    Thanks for the information. I'm looking forward to the SSL feature which I was missing a long time to be enabled.