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About this mod

8 Gb GPU video memory texture fix. This modded config file allows users of 8gb video memory gpu's to use the medium texture pool size greatly improving textures on 8 gig cards. This mod will automatically set texture pool size to medium. Tested on game version patch 2 17/12/2024

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8 Gb GPU video memory texture fix.  This modded config file allows users of 8gb video memory gpu's to use the medium texture pool size greatly improving textures on 8 gig cards with all other settings set to ultra and very ultra for texture filtering.  This mod will automatically set the texture pool size to medium in game video settings.  Replace TheGreatCircleConfig.local file located at :
C:\Users\****\Saved Games\MachineGames\TheGreatCircle\base with the included file or add :  is_poolSize "1500" to the first line of your TheGreatCircleConfig.local file.
You will notice all textures, paintings, notes ect are now correctly displayed with no low resolution textures and look great.  Tested on RTX 4060 8Gb at 1440p with zero crashes or issues.  Also seems to fix the hairs on Indy's hands.