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About this mod

tools for modding as compiled by papagamer

Permissions and credits
This is a collection of Jade Empire modding tools. The programs were not written
by me, so please do not ask for support. You can find the authors of these programs
and support for their use in the following forums:

Bioware's Official Jade Empire General Discussion Forum:
Look for topics with MODDING in the title. There are two topics on modding so far:
Lucasforums Outlander Club
What you'll find in this toolpack:

From stoffe:
  ERFRIMEdit036a.7z: allows you to open and extract/add files to RIM/MOD/ERF and other Bioware file packages
  JEFindRes03.7z:    searches JE resource files (RIM/MOD/BIF/KEY), includes wildcard support
  TalkEd v1.1.1a.7z: TLK editor updated for v4 TLK files (as used by JE), view/edit the dialog.tlk file for JE
  Txb2Tga.7z:        convert TXB texture files to TGA/TXI files for easy editing

From Dmitry Jemerov:
  JadeDlg: view/edit JE dialog (.dlg) files

From NWN Player's Resource Consortium:
  nwnnsscomp: compile JE scripts

To use nwnnsscomp on your PC, you need to have NWN installed, or follow these instructions from Maian:

From PapaGamer:
  j00_i_* and nwscript.nss: include files for compiling scripts, syntax errors corrected
  /formatted_2da: all known JE 2da files in easy-to-read fixed-width-column text format

No instructions for use are included. Participate in the modding forums to find out how
to use and abuse these tools for modding Jade Empire Special Edition.
2007-06-09 Barry Scott "PapaGamer" Will