About this mod
This mod is to address issue that prevent the player progress after talking to Water Dragon Spirit at the Fountain at Chapter 8.
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by dunde
This mod is to address issue that prevent the player progress after talking to Water Dragon Spirit at the Fountain at Chapter 8, reported by some like :
After defeating the lotus assasins guarding the Fountain, the player will talk to Waterdragon Spirit. Just after first choice of dialog options, the Water dragon will answer and then for some unlaucky players, the dialogs will be terminated and the game progress stuck. It's seems like sometime, on this point there is possibility that more than 1 romantic option 's active. One of three love interest option companions, SKy, Dawnstar and Silkfox or Deathhand should comments the story of Water Dragon Spirit. The game will prefer the companions with romantic option active with the player will speak, but the conditional script used for each branches of dialog activated by checking that both of other two companions are not the romantic options. So if the player at the moment have more than 1 active romantic option, no branch 's qualified, except there is Deathhand in the band.
The mods add one more dialog branch with no preconditional script as emergency option if all other options are not qualified. No companion will comment at the branch, just jumping to other questions the player can ask to Waterdragon, so there will be no plot breaking caused by the branch.
The dialog branch will make it sure that the game progress can go further no matter the romantic option the player has.