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About this mod

Makes a change to the DISCs to contain the opponent's render inside.

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This mod makes it so the textures of the DISCs change to show the opponent's render inside of them.

There are a few bugs as we do not have access to the full code of the game so I'll list those here:
 - In Team Battle, only the render of the first opponent will be in the DISCs, the DISC texture will not change between battles.
 - In the G.D.St Prison Situation Finish, the DISC texture will be the texture of Player 1, regardless of if Player 1 is the one who was finished.
 - Both Puccis share the same DISC texture (Whitesnake Pucci's render is used).
 - Boiling Water Stand DISC shares the same texture, so that also gets changed (just pretend it's a reflection or something idk lmao).
 - The DISC texture does not load if you do Pucci mirror match in Practice Mode, just pretend it's the DISC behind the slaughter.

Otherwise, it works as you'd expect. Hit the opponent and their DISC comes out.

"Wait why isn't it the Stand DISC?"
Stand Users can toggle their Stands (despite other Style functions being disabled) when Pucci steals their DISC in-game, as such I interpreted the DISC being stolen as the memory DISC not Stand DISC.

"Does it work Online?"