About this image
This will be the icon for Allosinosaurus
I will also say how to make an icon using GIMP
Take a Green Screen image with GeForce Experience
Open the dinosaur sizestandard or sizelarge of the dinosaur you wanna edit the icon of
Open your image
Right click on your image
Go to Layer<Transparency<Add Alpha Channel
Go to Select<By Color
Select the green screen
Delete it (Delete key on keyboard)
Go to Free Select
Draw the selection on the background behind your dinosaur (Note- don't select the dinosaur)
Press Delete
If there are any bits of background left, free select them and delete them
Right click<Edit<Cut
Go to ur sizestandard, Right Click<Edit<Paste
If your doing sizestandard, and the image is too big, go to Tools<Transform Toools< Scale
Scale it down to size
Export it to ur dinosaur sizestandard/size large
(This tutorial can also work with modded dinosaurs)
If you want a video, check out BoarKronic's tutorial ,his one was in French so I translated it for y'all!
if you want to make the frill like sinoceratops, like how it is in jwa, split the frill vertices off of sinoceratops, make them a mode by themself, delete all sino lods and stuff, then export it as obj and texture the frill. then you unify it (ctrl+j) it to allosaurus head. then you weight paint and it looks a LOT BETTER than yours
other wise noice mod