Jurassic World Evolution
JP and JW avaries both functional - Video - Read Description Here

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Video demo, because it's hard to see this working in images:

Long/technical description, but I kindly request you read it anyway - it should answer any questions, and I'm too tired to answer them again individually.

So the reason why JW aviaries crash when releasing pteras in JP era is because the script managing their release has a hard-coded gate to use:
- In JP era, it uses the JP aviary gate
- In JW era it uses the JW aviary gate

As you can well imagine, the JW aviary doesn't have a JP aviary gate so the game crashes when it tries to find that gate. The second issue is that... The script managing this doesn't decompile, so I can't change it to do a better job of this.

However, even with a compiled script you can change a few things - so I made an alternative version of that script that makes the game use the JW aviary gate even in JP era. This lets you use JW aviaries, but will make JP aviaries crash when releasing pteranodons instead.

The important thing here is this: Pteranodons flying around do not cause crashes. What causes crashes is releasing them, because the game can't find the right gate to open.

So my fix was creating two scripts. One that lets you release JP pteranodons, and another that lets you release JW pteranodons. You can, for example:
- Inject the JW-aviary script
   - Load the game
   - Release JW-aviary pteras
   - Save the game, THEN
- Inject the JP-aviary script
   - Load the game
   - Release JP-aviary pteras
   - Save the game

And at that point you'll have pteranodons in both aviaries. However if you wish to release pteras from the other era again, you will need to re-inject the right script again. This is, unfortunately, the most that modding can do for now. Non-decompilable scripts, lengths of file names and uneditable prefabs stop any way to have both work at the same time.

This will likely be released as an optional download for Ultimate Mixed Eras, and at long last give us players a way to use JW aviaries in JP era. It's a finnicky process because you can only release from one era's aviaries at a time, but I hope this description helps understand why it's the most we can do right now.

1 comment

  1. FlippyWB
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    I personally feel this is a good compromise if it allows us to use the cageless version and caged versions at the same time just as your video shows. Great effort, I truly appreciate you for looking into the solution for this. Thanks!