Mod idea and request - Diabolus Rex

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Hi everyone !
I'm currently trying some new mods and I found this one in my list :
It's a concept for a Malusaurus (Indominus remplacement).

I really love this skin but I don't want to replace my Indominus (and certainly not with this beautiful skin remplacement here :

Do you think it's possible to make the Malusaurus a new skin mod ? or a new specie mod (like, i don't know, an hybrid between raptor and Carcharo or Gigano) ? And maybe rename in Diabolus Rex, the orther concept art for Indominus ?

There are soooo much awesome mod this past few month. Thanks all the creators ! This is more an idea than a request. I hope somebody maybe could try something.

Have fun !


  1. AnthaRod
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well, ... I tried, but i didn't successed...

    I tried a new species mod with the only one tutorial I found, but --> crash (the one of Harlequinz Eg0)
    I would like to try to make a new skin mod but I don't find a tutorial.

  2. gauravdhruv
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    really like that your making this :)
    1. pungabot
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      he's not making it, he's pitching the idea
    2. gauravdhruv
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      i know

    3. AnthaRod
      • member
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      Yeah, just an idea.
      But, you know, if a find a tuto to make a new skin mod, i could try, I have the time for.
      But, I think I need a tuto for doing this, a tuto for using the right app, a tuto to understand the english informations with my basic knowledge, ...

      So, I need a lot of tutorials :D  But, why not ? ^^

      Maybe it's not as difficult as I think. I'm currently using Cobra tool for french translations, so maybe I can, maybe I'm able to make a new creature or new skin mod.
      • supporter
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      Search Iamthelionrider planet zoo tutorial on YouTube, different game, but same system
  3. ToastyThommy
    • member
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    I'm kinda surprised nobody has made this yet, especially since so many old mods have been turned into new species or skins.