Jurassic World Evolution
Im not going anywhere anytime soon

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About this image

heyo people of JWE1.
I have been inactive for awhile, an you are probably wondering why.
I have recently moved my modding stuff to another pc, and had to set all that good modding stuff up again. Whilst I was, I ran into an issue that I was having with the game.
So turns out JWE1 really does not like to work on my pc, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the graphics card.
I eventually got something to work, but it is literally only 4 mods.
Now that I got that settled, I can continue progress on my mods, such as the image I used here (should be coming out soon).


  1. Crastlecog
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    New mods!!!
    Let's go.
  2. Greenblyat
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Can't wait :p !