Please Don't Forget About The Herbivores

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I don't know about you guys, but I have noticed that pretty much most of the new additional new species have mostly been carnivores, and as a result, I feel that there isn't that much of a variety.
There is a whole bunch of Herbivores that could be fantastic additions to the game, and it's sort of a bummer that there aren't that many herbivore mods released yet.

Look I get it: it's always exciting to see a new carnivore in the game, and see him hunt and kill the guests and other dinosaurs, but there is soo much more. Herbivores can trample guests aimlessly, be used as bait for the carnivores, and can make your Park somewhat more diverse and pretty.

I would do it myself, but I know nothing about modding.


  1. gerbiro
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Dude there's more herbivores than carnivores in jwe (Including Mods)
    1. TheAnzuGod
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      They mean non replacers.
    2. gerbiro
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      i know
    3. Xplodenator
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      • 2 kudos
      There should be a quite a bit more herbivores
  2. WahyaUwejiAchuja
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    Yeah, I like that idea.  Ampelosaurus is one I want to see, as well as Alamosaurus and (maybe?) a bigger Diplodocus.  Maybe Dakotadon, Prenocephale, little Zuniceratops, THERIZINOSAURUS...Yeah, i like the idea of herbivors getting some love.  

    Although, I do understand the preference towards carnivores.  They can be more varying, and they are super cool.  I mean, I even have a bunch of carnivores I want to see: full-grown Dilophosaurus (including in JP film style), Dakotaraptor (I have an old post about that specifically), Oxalaia (based on older Spinosaurus reconstructions, please), Deltadromeus, Lythronax, Rugops (favorite dinosaur name ever), Megalosaurus, Appalachiosaurus, Rajasaurus, Saurosuchus (I know, not a dinosaur), Fasulosuchus (I know, not a dinosaur), size accurate and fluffy Velociraptor based on Discovery's Dinosaur Planet (I want it as seperate species), I could go on for a long time, but you get the idea.  There is more to be done with carnivores that would be interesting, which is why there are more of them. 
  3. deleted101241558
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    • 2 kudos
    psss here:
  4. gerbiro
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    theres a new herbivore from the permian coming soon
  5. phillyZT2
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    While I would absolutely love some more herbivores, I think it is mostly because of the usability of base animals. Only really the Carnivorous, Herbivorous and Cretaceous Species packs + Nasutoceratops are well suited as bases for new dinosaurs (especially for modders just starting to test out the tools) if I understood the tutorial correctly. This obviously gives suitable bases for herbivores, but each only applies to similar herbivores (same size and movement) and limits modders. In return, there is a very good spread for both larger and smaller carnivores there which are far less limiting due to all theropods following roughly the same shape and being compatible with one of these bases.
  6. Bananalauncher360
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    Someone needs to help TonyNGames, he makes awesome herbivores
    1. ZZDestroyahZZ
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      agreed, it would help so much to see those become new species since they are the only person I've seen make Herbivores consistently. Of course JWE has more Herbivores than Carnivores, even with all new species mods are installed, but mod wise, its about 86% Carnivores and 14% Herbivores.
  7. Gezorah
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    there will be at least 1 new herbivore coming soon, but otherwise, yes, we need more grass lovers. It is sad that modding is not easy for everyone, but on the other hand, it is also a miracle. You never know what to expect.. well, except for the carnivores.
    1. Gezorah
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      I still insist on creating a set dedicated to animals with the JW-Web style.those skins are beautiful and could suit new herbivores.
  8. Kronensegler
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    In my new image (Ideas for New Species Mods - Part VII - XXL Episode) are much herbivores.
  9. ZZDestroyahZZ
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    Agreed, the Carnivores are very very cool, but the Herbivores need some love aswell. Dinosaurs like Amargasaurus, Diabloceratops, Lambeosaurus, Platosaurus, Therizinosaurus, would be very nice to have.