Mod Idea - Smilodon

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Hello and welcome to my first Image, which deals with a single species.

Those of you who have been recentlysurfing the Images around Jurrasic World Evolution on Nexusmods
probably already know me. If not, I’ve recently created a series
titled „Ideas for a New Species Mods“ (which will continue, so no
worries!). In this series, as its name already suggests, I present
new ideas about new Mod possibilities of new species for Jurrasic
World Evolution. But there, each idea tends to get lost among the
masses of suggestions, which is why I decided to again introduce my
favorites in separate Images. To start, I have chosen one from Part
I, which happens to be an absolute favorite and the most anticipated
animal of this kind of Mods. I am talking of the Smilodon.

It’s of course difficult to include the Smilodon in the game because it is rapidly different from
the other animals present in the game. The most important question is
naturally what to use as a model and basis for the animation. The
most obvious answer would be to use the Nodosaurus. Using the
Dimetrodon Mod, we can see that the Nodosaurus is definitely usable
here as it’s being suggested for the Smilodon in „Ideas for New
Species Mods.“ But when I thought a little more about it, I noticed
some problems.

The first problem is speed. The Nodosaurus obviously has a different speed than a cat. Another
problem is size. The Nodosaurus is several times larger than the
Smilodon and belongs into an entirely different weight class.

To resolve these problems, I’vecome up with the following: it’s possible to use one oft the
raptors and let it walk on all four legs (like it’s done fort he
Lystosaurus Mod). The most likely candidate here would be the
Deinonychus as it is most similar to the Smilodon in terms of its
body posture, size and placement of body parts. This way, the
Smilodon would get back its speed and size. In this case, however, I
would also suggest the Herrerasaurus. Although it is not as realistic
as the Deinonychus, it is the smallest raptor belonging to mammals.
This would be only problematic if at some point we end up with even
smaller mammals because then those would have the same size as the

But there would be other advantages: the Smilodon would belong into the lightweight class and thus only
fight against raptors and Co, which makes much sense. Also, raptors
only use their claws when fighting. I am not as versed regarding
Moddings but if it is possible for the Smilodon to use its big paws
that would be incredibly cool.


Base: Herrerasaurus


  1. deleted101241558
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos

    Not my idea, but eh. 
    1. Kronensegler
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. Kronensegler
      • member
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      (A lot already know, but still. Sorry if I spelled something wrong, I don't speak English very well & I'm doing this with Google Translate)

      By the way, for some reason I think it's mega bad when someone says "Sabertooth".
    3. Kronensegler
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      But I would assume that my image is much more detailed.
    4. deleted101241558
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      I mean, yeah, but eh depends. (On what? I don't know.)
  2. gerbiro
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    rig editing isn't possible so the only thing that could possibly work is a quadropedal herbivore or indoraptor
    1. Kronensegler
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. TheAnzuGod
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I really don't like using quadruped herbivores as a base rig.
      I mean modders can do whatever they wish with what they have.
      It's just way too janky for me. Which sucks because a lot of the mods that do that look cool.