It is now a fish eater! Your souls are safe.... for now. There is also an alternate skin based loosely on the ringed kingfisher, if enough people are interested in it I might release it as well.
Since you can't make it eat fish you can download the Piscivore Feeder(NewBuilding) Mod it makes it so much easier.I've been using that mod for days and it helped me a lot when using mods like Deinosuchus(NewSpecies) so it eats fish like the way it's supposed to be.It also helps the Juvenile Baryonyx (NewCosmetic) Mod even though it got Troodon Animations
...... Why didnt you use the austroraptor as the base? Sure theres a reason, just feel that makes more sense, becase it basically is already an austroraptor with a sail. Its much better size and proportion wise... and uh... fish...
assuming by austroraptor as a base you mean spinoraptor, spinoraptor is not a good base because spinoraptor is an absolute unit compared to the actual austroraptor
I've seen mods with dinosaurs much slimmer and even smaller than the original dinosaur rig it is based off of. I'd rather have a austro that can fish and is a little bit too tall/long personally, but its not my mod so whatever lol
Edit - Never mind now I see it has a compability patch in the files section
ZeEwO oWt Of TaEn MOd