JWE2 DLC And Update Concept Ancient Aquatics Semi-Aquatic Creatures

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This is a concept I made for an update and DLC for JWE2. I'm pretty sure that if this were to be made the actual DLC would be in the 15$ to 20$ range. I don’t Frontier are very likely to do this but if they did this is how I think they would execute it. I know some people on this site don’t like Mod or DLC ideas but I did genuinely put some effort into this. I tried to make it as reasonable as possible and added detail instead of just listing down creatures and calling it a day.
Features:Deep Water 
Deep Water effectively functions as a brush which can be found under the water tab. Most current land dwelling dinosaurs won’t swim in it (with some exceptions) however they will drink in it. You are unable to put lagoon creatures like Tylosaurus in them. All Semi Aquatic creatures can be incubated from normal hatcheries and will even have their own search filter in them. 
The Update
Creatures With New Animations and AISpinosauridsAll of the Spinosaurids can swim in deep water and have a requirement for it to be comfortable. They will also hunt some of the creatures under the water. 

  • Pterosaurs (Excluding Quetzalcoatlus)
They can now float on top of deep water and will swoop down to catch small semi-aquatic creatures or fish.
  • Dimetrodon
It would require some deep water to be happy. This is not only inspired by the movie but it likely would’ve been a good swimmer in real life since it lived in. 
  • Pyroraptor
They require a small amount of Deep water to be comfortable and will swim in it from time to time. They don’t eat from fish feeders but will hunt animals like Lurdasaurus and Parasaurolophus.
  • Parasaurolophus, Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus
They all don’t actually need deep water to be comfortable but they will swim in deep water from time to time. This is actually a reference to the Jurassic Park River Adventure ride.
  • Quetzalcoatlus 
The Quetzalcoatlus not only has ai changes been made to accommodate for deep water but for it’s ai in general has been overhauled. It spends a lot more time on the ground compared to other Pterosaurs. They will also fight most creatures on the ground as well such as Deinonychus or Herrerasaurus. Unlike the other Pterosaurs Quetzalcoatlus can’t float on top of deep water however they can stand next to it and will swoop down to eat from fish feeders and other small semi-aquatic creatures. They can now eat from normal carnivore feeders.  
  • Aquatic Viewing Stand
Works similarly to lagoon viewing stands but can only be attached to pools of deep water.
  • Underwater Fish Feeder
Nearly works identically to the marine fish feeder but for deep water instead.
  • Crustacean Feeder
A feeder comparable to the normal fish feeder however it will supply creatures with shrimp and crabs instead of fish.
  • Lily Pads
  • Duckweed
  • Typha
  • Muskgrass + Hydrilla
  • Mangrove Trees (These can also be placed individually)

All of these plants can also be placed on regular water as well.

The Ancient Aquatics DLC Pack
  • Halszkaraptor
A very small dromaeosaur. They eat from fish feeders and carnivore feeders. They would be in small packs. They require more regular water than deep water to be happy. 
  • Liaoningosaurus
A small piscivores ankylosaurid.They can be put in small groups and alone. They will eat from fish, plants and crustaceans.
  • Lurdusaurus
A medium sized iguanodontid that can live either alone or in medium sized groups. Groups. 
  • Ichthyovenator
A medium large sized, piscivores Spinosaurid because let’s be honest the game could use another spinosaurid or two. It wouldn’t be all that different from Suchomimus. It would probably need only 1-3 members to be comfortable.
  • Deinocheirus
A large omnivores theropod that will eat plants and will eat from fish feeders. It would probably have some similar animations to the Therizinosaurus. 
  • Pterodaustro
It wouldn’t behave all that differently from other pterosaurs other than the fact that it would spend a lot more time in or near the water. They also exclusively feed from the crustacean feeder.
Non Dinosaurs
  • Deinosuchus
  • Sarcosuchus
These two crocodilians would be some of the larger and stronger creatures in this pack.They would function very similarly to each other. They hunt by waiting in the water for creatures on the land to take a drink of and then attack them. They will drag them under the water to kill and eat them. 90% of the time once the dinosaur is grabbed they will be killed. They won’t always be able to grab prey in the first place though and will often miss. This is especially the case if the prey is smaller and faster like Sruthiomimus or Velociraptor. I don’t know if they would be highly social or not if i’m being totally honest. Living crocodiles will sometimes live in large groups but at the same time they can be extremely aggressive with each other.
  • Nothosaurus
They require more deep water than most of the others and are fairly social. They will spend a decent amount of time on the land but wont move around all that much. They prefer to stick by the water.
  • Placodus 
Placodus is a small Placodont it would feed from crustacean feeders. Alternatively you could use Henodus, another more well known Placodont but I think that might make for a better lagoon animal.
  • Tanystropheus 
Yes I’m aware that in real life Tanystropheus was not a very good swimmer however it's not uncommon for dinosaurs to have outdated depictions or traits in this franchise. I feel like they wouldn't be very social, maybe 1-3 members, They also would fight other members of their species by slapping their necks together like Giraffes.

Other things I would like to mention.
  • The reason all fully terrestrial dinosaurs cannot swim in deep water is because I personally doubt Frontier would like to give those animations to over 80 dinosaurs.
  • Lagoon Creatures cannot be placed in deep water either because I’m fairly certain Frontier would have to completely rewrite the way aquatic creatures are programmed.
  • The reason why I didn’t add any amphibians to the DLC pack is due to the fact that Frontier hasn’t added any animals that aren’t reptiles aside from technically Dimetrodon which already appeared in a movie unlike Koolasuchus or something.
  • I feel like Crocodilians or other actual reptiles can make it into the game pretty easily despite them not having closley related animals in the game due the Dimetrodon making it into the game.
  • I didn’t add any Cenozoic creatures like Titanoboa or Meilonia because the Smilodon from Camp Cretaceous which could happen in a second Camp Cretaceous themed DLC but as of now there isn’t any reason to add them.

So with all of that said I would be interested in knowing your thoughts, opinions and ideas.Oh and by the way here's a link to the image I used


  1. Kotwuerstchen
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Like I said, dlc suggestions should be posted at the frontier forum where they can be actually heard. 
  2. Spooksaurr
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I love it, Simple as that... Yet I doubt Frontier has the effort to make such a BANGER update, like come on it's so cool! I LOVE IT SUCH A GOOD IDEA!
  3. Taleszilla
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Your concept is interesting, but I think there are somethings that are a little confusing.
  4. narwhalgamer11
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Deep water doesn't exist :(((
    Great idea, but I doubt that Frontier is THAT incorporated in such an awesome DLC.

    Edit: finally found the right word, INVESTED. I doubt that Frontier is that INVESTED in an awesome DLC.
    1. Jurassicplayer01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. Jurassicplayer01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think the same as u
    3. TheMoschopsGuy
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      IF Frontier adds deep water,they'll probably put it in an update
    4. With a DLC in it