Just a short question

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Hi everyone.

I just have a short question to the people who make mods by their own:

Is it possible to edit the cohabitation of a species via cobra tool?

I just would like to see thee mosasaurus again eating small aquatic creatures (ichthyosaurus, plesio...) what was just removing by frontier.

Thanks in advance for the attention.

PS: Thanks for having so many talented modders making this game 200% better than vanilla!


  1. Thorantor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Last time i checked, cohabitation only controls, if 2 species tolerate each other in the same enclosure. It does not affect the hunting behaviour.

    Besides that, in the past it was possible to edit the .fdb files, to change the cohabitation.
    1. ViraLCyclopes
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      you can change the hunting behavior by editing the animation sets in the fdbs
    2. KingCock87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you both very much