Jurassic World Evolution 2
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Hello my friendings!

Thought I'd take this time to talk to you all about some things going on. You're probably wondering why things have been so slow, well for one we're waiting for the next DLC to drop so we can resume our work and secondly I've been busy with the Australia Pack.

If you remember, in JWE1 the Australia Pack had 4 dino, that being the Fostoria, Galleonosaurus, Leaellynasaura and Rapator. Well for this time around I decided to even out the pack with 2 more carnivores, that being the Ozraptor and Timimus. At the moment I'm done with 5/6 and will resume once the DLC is out. But before the Pack and after the DLC you can expect a new species.

So for some time I've been dealing with PC crashes that I don't know how to fix and has been interrupting my work towards this game. I've tried countless solutions with no success and with no repair shops near me I'm kind of on my own. And after a windows reinstall I lost all my good materials for SP so things might look a little different from now on.

As for something else, I looked back on my old posts and saw that I used to involve the community more in what I'm doing which I'd like to do again so y'all can have more of a say in the process. Which brings us to the image above. It is the new Leaellynasaurs. Now, I intended for it to be on the Sinosauropteryx rig so it would be closer to it's supposed 90cm length and overall size, some reports also say it was up to 2m long in which case the Homalo rig would be fine. But any edits on the Sinosauropteryx rig turns it into spaghetti which I can not fix. So it will be on the Homalo rig once more, but once I'm able to put it on the Sinosauropteryx rig I will do that.

So the question is, how do you guys feel about the rig change later on and the skin it has right now (the image above)? 
Is the Homalo rig fine or would you rather see it on the Sino rig?

I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about the Leaellynasaurs situation.

That's about it, have a good one y'all!


  1. JW2019MK
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i'd say keep it on the homalo rig since the sinosauropteryx have animations where the tail sticks up a little bit. So unless you plan on adding more elaborate tail patterns i'd keep it on homalo rig. I think it'd just look a little strange with the tail animations otherwise.
  2. Crastlecog
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    As long as the spiders don't intervene, the additions of timimus and ozraptor would be amazing...
    1. NetRaptor
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      No spider haha
  3. Molga87
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think Homalo rig is fine for now. Though it would probably be worth switching to Sino rig whenever it works, since it would be a rig I don't think anyone has used for a new species yet.
    1. NetRaptor
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      Obviously it would be the more ideal, I just can't get it to work yet. Also the current skin looks like this because I lost all the materials I used. :(
    2. Molga87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think the skin is fine enough, I like it.
  4. neur01
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i think the spagetti explosion bug is connected to old tools
    if not, you can just join the open naja modding server and i bet someone can help there
    1. NetRaptor
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      Viral told me the same thing. But then I updated my tools and it's still the same. But I could edit the Deinocheirus no problem.
  5. Kotwuerstchen
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Skin looks better from the last ones you made, has a bit more depth overall. You still need to work a little on the roughness and the blending of the patterning, it's a little too easy to see the individual brush strokes. But I like this one much better! I also the think the shape is looking quite good.