Jurassic World Evolution 2
The Heavenly Realm of the Dragon This was a hastle

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Its an upside down lagoon placed to allow the spinosaurus move between it and a regular one, making them fly between them. The underside of the upside down lagoon is covered in rocks forming a cave, that cave lies in the centre of a giant hollowed out mountain, where other Spinosaurus roam. Was messing around with lagoons seeing what I could do with them, I've had sideways ones before and they worked great, but I was like 'I wonder if I can make them fly', its tricky, but I got it working, and am very pleased with the result. I wanted a creature that looked good flying, and figured I needed something... draconic. Then the idea formed together with Spinosaurus, I really think the current depiction of it really looks like a giant river dragon, but its graceful motion thanks to the new mod makes it perfect to use as a God-like Eastern dragon. So you have 4 in the lagoons, and then another 6 live on the mountain, in the 'Heavens'. As soon as I saw how cool the spinosaurs looked 'flying', Asian dragons instantly came to mind, and thus... I built them their own Olympus.


  1. HasnWkaTree
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Very cool how creative people can get despite the limits of this game
    1. lordofthelfightless
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeh, I ususally dont try thing like this, but Evolution Square's videos inspired me to try and make more use of the mods for elaborate purposes. Really happy how it turned out.