About this mod
This mod adds a new species (not a replacement) into the game: Shantungosaurus!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
This mod adds a new species to the game: Shantungosaurus giganteus, a type of saurolophine hadrosaurid dinosaur found in the Late Cretaceous Wangshi Group of the Shandong Peninsula in China, having the title of being the largest hadrosauroid taxon in the world, reaching 16.6 metres in length and 13 metric tons in body mass.
This is a "New Species" mod, this means that it doesn't repleace any creatures from your game, it adds a whole new one!
If you open the species on the species viewer, please restart the game before loading any saves. If you don't do this, the game will most likely break. This is a common bug with New Species sadly.
New Species for now are highly experimental, and they may have bugs or issues that can't be fixed, or that will take some time to do so. This one is safe to use, but some animations when it fights and is hunted don't work properly, so take that in mind when taking screenshots or making any type of video or content with it. If they can be fixed in the future, they will be fixed.

Check my Trello:
Hyper's New Species Trello

Details and Installation
This creature cannot be unlocked on Challenge or Campaign, It's only available in Sandbox Mode, and Sandbox Challenge mode.
DLCs Required:
- None!
Species IDs:
- Shantungosaurus: 753577 (Codename: SHT)
Installation process:
- Download and Install the latest version of ACSE:
https://www.nexusmods.com/jurassicworldevolution2/mods/262 - Go to your Steam Installation folder.
- Follow this route: Steam\steamapps\common\Jurassic World Evolution 2\Win64\ovldata
- Make sure that you do a security copy or backup of the files from that folder.
- Open the the provided .zip file you have downloaded, and drop the folder called "HyperShantungosaurus" to ovldata.
- Done! Now you just need to open the game and see the changes...
Special thanks to Inaki, Ario203ITA and KeineKreativitaet who helped me during the process of creating this mod.
Special thanks to ElTioHammond, for creating the skin texture and pattern for the model!
[Mod Status: <Working>]
[Latest Update Status: Normal]
[Latest Verified Game Version: <>]
[Min Stable Mod Version: <1.1.2>]