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Commander Summit

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About this mod

This mod adds the sauropod Astrodon Johnstoni into the game as a new species! This is my very first new species mod.

Permissions and credits
We'd like to welcome our newest addition, Astrodon Johnstoni, to your parks!

Astrodon Johnstoni was a large sauropod dinosaur that roamed the U.S. during the Early Cretaceous (112 - 110 MYA). It's name means "star tooth" and lived alongside dinosaurs like Tenontosaurus, Sauroposeidon, and Acrocanthosaurus. As fossils were found in the Arundel Formation of Maryland, Astrodon was given the title of Maryland's state dinosaur. 

If you open the species on the species viewer, please restart the game before loading any saves. Otherwise, the game will crash. Every new species has this bug, so stay cautious.