About this mod
This mod is part of a total overhaul of all the in-game animals, to make them more paleo-accurate.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

A mod that provides purified versions of all of the marine reptiles in the game
Scroll to see side-by-side comparisons of the models to the base game!
This mod is part of the Liv's Paleo-Overhaul series
Follow the Trello for continued updates on progress!
Images by GlitchGaming, Azdarchidae., and GojiraChief

- Full remodels of every genus -
- Revised textures for every genus included -
- New skins for all genus included -
- All film skins included. JW Mosasaurus skin courtesy of GameVideosForLife -
- Almost all existing species -
- All languages supported -

Archelon ischyros
YPM 3000, NHMW-Geo-1977/1902/0001
Based on the works of Tosha Hollman, AVS Turner, and Gabriel Ugueto

Attenborosaurus conybeari
NHMUK R1339, NHMUK R1360, NHMUK OR40140
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Mark Witton, and Gabriel Ugueto

Dunkleosteus terrelli
CMNH 5768, CMNH 5936
Based on the works of Yoofilo, Entelognathus, Jagged Fang Designs, Archaeoraptor, and Fabio Alejandro

Elasmosaurus platyurus
ANSP 10081
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Fabio Alejandro, and Tosha Hollman

Ichthyosaurus communis
BRSUG 25300, NHMUK PV R1162, BU 5289, FMNH P 25027
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Ichthyosaurus anningae
DOMNG.1983.98, NMW G. 1597, NHMUK 35566
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Ichthyosaurus breviceps
NHMUK PV OR43006, CAMSMX.50187, BGS 955, NHMUK OR43006
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Ichthyosaurus conybeari
NMW 93.5G.2, NHMUK R15907, CAMSM X50187
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Ichthyosaurus larkini
BRSUG 25300, ACG 11, NHMUK PV OR5595, CAMSM J59575
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Ichthyosaurus somersetensis
ANSP 15766, BRSMG Cb4997, NHMUK PV OR2013, ACG 16, ROM 26029
Based on the works of Gregory S. Paul, Scott Hartman, Nobu Tamura, Nix Illustration, and Jagged Fang Designs

Kronosaurus queenslandicus
QM F18827, QM F1609, QM F10113, MCZ 1285
Based on the works of Tosha Hollman, Gregory S. Paul, PNSO, and Slate Weasel

Liopleurodon ferox
NHMUK PV R 3536, GPIT 1754/2, CAMSM J.27424
Based on the works of Dan Folkes, Hyrotrioskjan, Mario Lanzas, Gabriel Ugueto, and RJ Palmer

Mosasaurus hoffmanni
2015 skin made by GameVideosForLife
MNHN AC 9648, CCMGE 10/2469, IRSNB R25, UCMP 61221
Based on the works of PWNZ3R-Dragon, SaltieCroc, Gregory S. Paul, Mario Lanzas, and Gabriel Ugueto

Mosasaurus conodon
AMNH 1380, MOR 006
Based on the works of PWNZ3R-Dragon, STRN, SaltieCroc, Gregory S. Paul, Mario Lanzas, and Gabriel Ugueto

Mosasaurus lemonnieri
IRSNB 3119, IRSNB R 28, MNHN 9587, uncatalogued CMNH specimen that I was allowed to view
Based on the works of PWNZ3R-Dragon, SaltieCroc, Gregory S. Paul, Mario Lanzas, and Gabriel Ugueto

Mosasaurus missouriensis
JPTG skin commissioned by Girouette
KUVP 1034, TMP 2008.036.0001
Based on the works of PWNZ3R-Dragon, SaltieCroc, Gregory S. Paul, Mario Lanzas, and Gabriel Ugueto

Nothosaurus mirabilis
UMO 1000, UMO BT 667,00, UMO BT 671,00, BMNH 42829, SMNS 56286
Based on the works of Gabriel Ugueto, Batavotyrannus, and Adam Procházka

Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus
BMNH 36183, NHMUK PV OR 22656, BGS GSM 118412
Based on the works of RandomDinos, Gregory S. Paul, Gabriel Ugueto, and Tosha Hollman

Shonisaurus popularis
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, Saulcontilde, Nobumichi Tamura, Mario Lanzas, and Gabriel Ugueto

Styxosaurus browni
AMNH 5835, AMNH 5803, AMNH 1495
Based on the works of RandomDinos, Rodrigo A. Otero, Tosha Hollman, and Sergey Krasovskiy

Styxosaurus snowii
KUVP 1301, SDSMT 451, NJSM 15435, YPM 636
Based on the works of RandomDinos, Rodrigo A. Otero, Tosha Hollman, and Sergey Krasovskiy

Styxosaurus rezaci
UNSM 50132
Based on the works of RandomDinos, Rodrigo A. Otero, Tosha Hollman, and Sergey Krasovskiy

Tylosaurus proriger
MCZ 4374, KUVP 5033, AMNH 4909, CMNH 8162, AMNH Fr221
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, CrownCrocopoda, PNSO, and Gabriel Ugueto

Tylosaurus bernardi
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, CrownCrocopoda, Gregory S. Paul, PNSO, and Gabriel Ugueto

Tylosaurus nepaeolicus
AMNH 1565, MRM KB-M-3, FHSM VP-2209
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, CrownCrocopoda, Gregory S. Paul, PNSO, and Gabriel Ugueto

Tylosaurus pembinensis
MM V95, MT 2, MDM M74.06.06
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, CrownCrocopoda, Gregory S. Paul, PNSO, and Gabriel Ugueto

Tylosaurus saskatchewanensis
RSM P2588.1
Based on the works of Scott Hartman, CrownCrocopoda, Gregory S. Paul, PNSO, and Gabriel Ugueto


- Due to heavy rig edits, some have a few animation issues -
- Archelon does not go onto platforms. This is currently unfixable -
- Ichthyosaurus species have their first 5 pattern icons stuck on red -
- Rigid eyes on some, necessary for proper functionality of the models -

This mod series is on-going and will continue to grow as time goes on!
I work almost entirely by myself, so please be patient as I work on the rest of the series
Models and renders created in Blender v3.6.4
Skins made in Adobe Substance Painter v8.3
Cover images created in GIMP 2.10.32
Contact me!
Discord: rinrobi#1985
Email: [email protected]

[Mod Status: Working]
[Latest Update Status: Critical]
[Latest Verified Game Version:]
[Min Stable Mod Version: 2.0]