File information
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Created by
rinrobi and GameVideosForLifeUploaded by
rinrobiVirus scan
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About this mod
This mod is part of a total overhaul of all the in-game animals, to make them more paleo-accurate.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes ACSE To function Expanded Colors Core To get all skins Species Viewer Fix Not essential, but allows you to go back into the game after looking at Species Viewer Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Cedar Mountain Formation Cretaceous North America Dinosaur Park Formation Prince Creek Formation - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You are not allowed to use assets from this file under any circumstances
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Frontier Developments, for the base models
GameVideosForLife, for the incredible help on this project
Lucca2951, for the press kit
The Cobra Tools Developers, for making this all possible
Everyone who has been so incredibly helpful and motivational through this long journeyDonation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Changelogs
Version 3.0
- Total Redux Re-Release
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
A mod that provides purified versions of all of the small theropods in the game
Scroll to see side-by-side comparisons of the models to the base game!
This mod is part of the Liv's Paleo-Overhaul series
Follow the Trello for continued updates on progress!
Images by GlitchGaming, Indogaming19, and ClownWithoutACircus
Bonus Skins Are Not Owned By Myself or Anyone Else Involved in This Mod
Beasts of the Mesozoic by Creative Beast Studios
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World/Camp Cretaceous by Universal Studios
Jurassic Fight Club by The History Channel
Walking With Dinosaurs by BBC Studios
Primeval by BBC Studios
Prehistoric Planet by BBC Studios
Trespasser by Dreamworks Interactive
Jurassic Park: The Game by Telltale Games
- Full remodels of every genus -
- Size-accurate versions available. Both versions are not compatible with each other -
- Revised textures for every genus included -
- New skins for all genus included -
- All languages supported -
- Additional bonus skins by GameVideosForLife and GlitchGaming -
Atrociraptor marshalli
RTMP 95.166.1
Coelophysis bauri
AMNH FR 7224, AMNH 2706, AMNH 7223, NMMNH P-42200
Compsognathus longipes
Concavenator corcovatus
MCCM-LH 6666
Deinonychus antirrhopus
YPM 5205, AMNH 3015, YPM 5210, MCZ 4371
Dilophosaurus wetherilli
UCMP 77270, UCMP 37303
Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis
PVSJ 407, PVL 2566
Monolophosaurus jiangi
IVPP 84019
Moros intrepidus
NCSM 33392, NCSM 33393, NCSM 33276
Oviraptor philoceratops
AMNH 6517, AMNH 33092
Proceratosaurus bradleyi
NHM R 4860
Pyroraptor olympius
Segisaurus halli
UCMP 32101
Sinosauropteryx prima
GMV 2123, NIGP 127587, NIGP 127586
Stenonychosaurus inequalis
CMN 8539, UALVP 52611, TMP 1986.036.0457
Utahraptor ostrommaysi
CEUM 184v.86, BYUVP 15465, BYU 7510, CEUM 184v300
Velociraptor mongoliensis
AMNH 6515, MPC-D 100/25, MPC-D 100/982
Velociraptor osmolskae
IMM 99NM-BYM-3/3
- Due to heavy model edits, most sitting animations are more sunken into the ground than intended -
- Feathers are a whole separate mesh, and thus may clip in a few animations sometimes -
- Minor animation bugs occasionally on models -
- Some colors disappear at a distance. I cannot fix this -
- Moros JWE scaled is too large -
- Proceratosaurus is missing ECC -
This mod series is on-going and will continue to grow as time goes on!
I work almost entirely by myself, so please be patient as I work on the rest of the series
Models created in Blender
Skins made in Adobe Substance Painter
Cover images created in GIMP
Contact me!
Discord: rinrobi#1985
Twitter: @retrorinrobi
Email: [email protected]
[Mod Status: Working]
[Latest Update Status: Critical]
[Latest Verified Game Version:]
[Min Stable Mod Version: 3.0]
Scroll to see side-by-side comparisons of the models to the base game!
This mod is part of the Liv's Paleo-Overhaul series
Follow the Trello for continued updates on progress!
Images by GlitchGaming, Indogaming19, and ClownWithoutACircus
Bonus Skins Are Not Owned By Myself or Anyone Else Involved in This Mod
Beasts of the Mesozoic by Creative Beast Studios
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World/Camp Cretaceous by Universal Studios
Jurassic Fight Club by The History Channel
Walking With Dinosaurs by BBC Studios
Primeval by BBC Studios
Prehistoric Planet by BBC Studios
Trespasser by Dreamworks Interactive
Jurassic Park: The Game by Telltale Games

- Full remodels of every genus -
- Size-accurate versions available. Both versions are not compatible with each other -
- Revised textures for every genus included -
- New skins for all genus included -
- All languages supported -
- Additional bonus skins by GameVideosForLife and GlitchGaming -

Atrociraptor marshalli
RTMP 95.166.1

Coelophysis bauri
AMNH FR 7224, AMNH 2706, AMNH 7223, NMMNH P-42200

Compsognathus longipes

Concavenator corcovatus
MCCM-LH 6666

Deinonychus antirrhopus
YPM 5205, AMNH 3015, YPM 5210, MCZ 4371

Dilophosaurus wetherilli
UCMP 77270, UCMP 37303

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis
PVSJ 407, PVL 2566

Monolophosaurus jiangi
IVPP 84019

Moros intrepidus
NCSM 33392, NCSM 33393, NCSM 33276

Oviraptor philoceratops
AMNH 6517, AMNH 33092

Proceratosaurus bradleyi
NHM R 4860

Pyroraptor olympius

Segisaurus halli
UCMP 32101

Sinosauropteryx prima
GMV 2123, NIGP 127587, NIGP 127586

Stenonychosaurus inequalis
CMN 8539, UALVP 52611, TMP 1986.036.0457

Utahraptor ostrommaysi
CEUM 184v.86, BYUVP 15465, BYU 7510, CEUM 184v300

Velociraptor mongoliensis
AMNH 6515, MPC-D 100/25, MPC-D 100/982

Velociraptor osmolskae
IMM 99NM-BYM-3/3


- Due to heavy model edits, most sitting animations are more sunken into the ground than intended -
- Feathers are a whole separate mesh, and thus may clip in a few animations sometimes -
- Minor animation bugs occasionally on models -
- Some colors disappear at a distance. I cannot fix this -
- Moros JWE scaled is too large -
- Proceratosaurus is missing ECC -

This mod series is on-going and will continue to grow as time goes on!
I work almost entirely by myself, so please be patient as I work on the rest of the series
Models created in Blender
Skins made in Adobe Substance Painter
Cover images created in GIMP
Contact me!
Discord: rinrobi#1985
Twitter: @retrorinrobi
Email: [email protected]

[Mod Status: Working]
[Latest Update Status: Critical]
[Latest Verified Game Version:]
[Min Stable Mod Version: 3.0]