File information

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Created by

Bushwave Studios

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About this mod

This is a save file of a map I created of Jurassic World
it doesnt have anything of camp cretatous in it becouse the park itself is diffrent in that show
I used mods to create it so to get it working you need the Dominion DLC and mods in the requirments pannel

Permissions and credits
This is a save file of a map I created of Jurassic World 
it doesnt have anything of camp cretatous in it becouse the park itself is diffrent in that show
I used mods to create it so to get it working you need the Dominion DLC and mods in the requirments pannel 

The map itself includes
Petting Zoo
Trex Kingdom
River tour
gyrosphere valley
Raptor pen
Indominus Pen
Gallimimus valley