About this mod
Adds GojiGuy's newest and possibly most balanced hybrid into your game as a new species. More info in the desc.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
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Meet Veloxcristallus Adaptatus (or Vex for short), a medium sized marine hybrid of absolute power. It's primary genomes consist of Tylosaurus, Orca, Beluga Whale, Barracuda, Saltwater Crocodile, and Glass Fish. These 6 combined create a powerful streamlined creature with hyperintelligence, a shredding bite, insane speeds of up to 45 MPH, venom and poison immunity, and a huge arsenal of weapons and strategies at it's disposal.
Other Cool Features:
1. Expanded Colors - This feature adds over 32 variants and patterns to this creature in sharp contrast to the game's 12 variants and 7 patterns, allowing for more unique color combinations!
2. Dinosaur Exchange - Adds the Veloxcristallus Adaptatus to the Malta Trade, allowing you to get it's eggs, genome, or even the creature itself!
3. Hybrid - This creature is a hybrid, using Tylosaurus and Saurichthys as the base genomes!
4. KaiCore Menu Compatibility - Adds a feature that notifies you the status of the mod, if it's broken, or if there is a new update for it!
-This hybrid can coexist with Saurichthys and Tylosaurus!
Known bugs:
-None so far.
[Mod Status: <Working>]
[Latest Update Status: Normal]
[Latest Verified Game Version: <>]
[Min Stable Mod Version: <1.0>]
ThatOneGlitch - Screenshots
GojiGuy - Veloxcristallus Adaptatus (Or Vex for short)
.bacuh - Vex skull art
Tripy13(Me) - Literally everyrthing else