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Torippu Studios

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About this mod

Adds GojiGuy's newest and possibly most balanced hybrid into your game as a new species. More info in the desc.

Permissions and credits
NOTE: You must download ACSE, Species Viewer Fix, Expanded Colors, and in order for this mod to work properly. Otherwise, it won't. Before you ask, yes. You are more than welcome to edit any, if not all of my mods. All you have to do is credit me and you'll be good to go. Please remember to back up your files before installing any mod. You can learn how to do this here.

Meet Veloxcristallus Adaptatus (or Vex for short), a medium sized marine hybrid of absolute power. It's primary genomes consist of Tylosaurus, Orca, Beluga Whale, Barracuda, Saltwater Crocodile, and Glass Fish. These 6 combined create a powerful streamlined creature with hyperintelligence, a shredding bite, insane speeds of up to 45 MPH, venom and poison immunity, and a huge arsenal of weapons and strategies at it's disposal.

Other Cool Features:
1. Expanded Colors -
 This feature adds over 32 variants and patterns to this creature in sharp contrast to the game's 12 variants and 7 patterns, allowing for more unique color combinations!
2. Dinosaur Exchange - Adds the Veloxcristallus Adaptatus to the Malta Trade, allowing you to get it's eggs, genome, or even the creature itself!
3. Hybrid - This creature is a hybrid, using Tylosaurus and Saurichthys as the base genomes!
4. KaiCore Menu Compatibility - Adds a feature that notifies you the status of the mod, if it's broken, or if there is a new update for it!

-This hybrid can coexist with Saurichthys and Tylosaurus!

Known bugs:
-None so far.

[Mod Status: <Working>]
[Latest Update Status: Normal]
[Latest Verified Game Version: <>]
[Min Stable Mod Version: <1.0>]

ThatOneGlitch - Screenshots
GojiGuy - Veloxcristallus Adaptatus (Or Vex for short)
.bacuh - Vex skull art
Tripy13(Me) - Literally everyrthing else