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This user's image description contains 24 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,108 kudos
    Extraordinary impressions Endorsed!
  2. didojj1
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Some may call them "junk", I call them treasures! @_@
  3. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Interesting landscapes and skyscapes. Seems like a good game for story tellers/writers.
    1. Corfus
      • supporter
      • 288 kudos
      Thanks, the graphics are vanilla, my system is low end now but I can run this. There are so many stories in this game down to the nice little touches it has, I can go on forever about the things that have happened in my game. Last night I experienced something new in game, I got raided by Ninja's trying to steal my food, I fought most off but some escaped either empty handed or with some grub while about twenty of there number were left dying or dead( they even play dead at times). The Ninja's then attack 5 mins later again while I was still cleaning up, but they didn't go for my food they were just the Ninja's who had escaped that had come back to try and rescue their fallen comrades.:)
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Good to see you. I've never even heard of this game, but the landscape is really interesting and love the two moons.
    1. Corfus
      • supporter
      • 288 kudos
      Nice to see you Cat and thanks, this is a word of mouth Indie title, the world is like a post apocalyptic Morrowind but about 10 times the size, theres lots of different factions. you can have between 1-20 character parties but you can have more than one party hiring up to 30 people in total vanilla (mods take it up to 256). If you liked morrowind,fallout and party based rpg with a open world which you can do anything you want this game is worth looking at. It doesn't need much gpu power but does eat cpu and memory . read the reviews and watch some youtube vids.
      One of the coolest things is its a RPG with no quests, totally sandbox and strangely it works, but you won't become a one man/woman god kicking a$$, its your character that gets it butt kicked, especially early on and losing a fight is more often or not quite a good thing as long as you ain't beaten up by cannibals or Beak things. Even having your leg eaten off might not be the end.
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 895 kudos
    Thanks for sharing some of the shots (got your message). Going to look into the game later this week. Working on a trio of stories at the moment and have a new PC on order (supposed to be here at the end of the month). So need to wrap-up things before I have to rebuild my games on another PC. I will be in touch later.

    In the mean time glad you are having fun with this game - it sounds really interesting. I like those peaceful water shots with the two moons (? planets?) in the sky,
    1. Corfus
      • supporter
      • 288 kudos
      Thanks Jon, Steam recommended this game to me, I tracked for a bit and was very intrigued, I don't think I have seen a game on steam with the amount of positive reviews this has. It was mostly developed by just one guy but did expand to get others to help towards the end.

      The game has a lot of lore, a good modding community, lots of player stories series on Youtube, I would definitely recommend watching some youtube videos before buying, Its not a polished AAA title but the world is totally engrossing if you can get into it.
  6. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Good to see you pop in and I'm glad to see your having fun in another world.
    1. Corfus
      • supporter
      • 288 kudos
      Thanks m8, just maybe bring this game to some peoples attention, it has very positive reviews on steam for a Indie game, The graphics ain't' going to knock you out, but the world will...literally.