Update 1.01 has arrived sooner than I'd expected - thanks to user Hade5xx for pointing out I'd been a bit too enthusiastic with the Cuman Boots.... when I went to correct this I noticed again that a lot of the boots were pretty uncoordinated so I ended up doing a boot rework (thrilling) and tweaking a bunch more of clothing items.  The changes in this version are:

Boot rework:

  • Boot stats are now more sensible and better line up with their size and length of coverage.  Slippers are the lightest, followed by ankle boots, followed by shin-high boots, followed by riding boots and then Cuman riding boots as the longest, heaviest, and most protective. 
  • Nerfed Cuman boots.  I was a bit too enthusiastic with these previously.  I thought they were full-leg boots… but I must have been testing them with a gambeson on. My bad. They are now still the strongest boots but have much more reasonable stats for their coverage.
  • Boot stats/progression are a bit more linear and more sensible.  This may need further work, but generally there will only be a choice between a “protective”, a “decorative”, or a “sneaky” boot at a given weight, with fewer boots at higher levels of protection, but there are now more lighter weight options and fewer truly useless boots. In-game, the enemy basically never hits your feet, so this is mostly a cosmetic choice.

  • Removed strength requirement from leather boots, not sure why that was there in vanilla.  Added 5 strength requirement for Cuman boots. 

Continued clothing/stealth tweaks:
Tweaked a bunch more clothing items mostly for char/vis/conspic.  I haven’t done this systematically as there are too many items for too few benefits (I imagine very few players care much about lower/mid tier clothes which are mostly under armour anyway) but I went through and tweaked another ~20 or so inner & outer clothing chest items, legs, and hats/hoods. 

I followed this approximate approach :

  • dark black items have the lowest visibility but much higher conspic and lower charisma because dressing all in black is PRETTY SUSPICIOUS eh
  • brown/gray/dark green clothes have low average vis and conspic but may be a little noisier and are usually more visible than black as they are not dedicated stealth items.   You should now see some differences in conspicuousness based on whether you dress all in black or more like a standard peasant in green/grey/brown.  
  • Some of the less fancy “noble” items lost charisma and vis/conspic,  while some more decorative ones gained it.
  • Waffenrock tweaks – tweaked the black and dark waffenrocks in line with the above principles. Now the “dark” waffenrocks (black/grey) should be a viable alternative to the black ones.  

In terms of stealth clothing the choice I have tried to go for is "dress all in black for the absolute lowest visibility but at the cost of a bit higher conspic and low charisma"  vs "dress all in brown/gray for low average visibility and lowest conspicuousness, but a bit more visible or slightly noisier than black as a tradeoff".

There are tools in game for mitigating all of these (e.g. forester perks and similar) so hopefully this adds some more nuance and options to the gameplay without being detrimental.

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