About this mod
This mod disables the 'Master Strike' ability for both the player and all NPCs, forcing you to rely on alternative strategies such as dodges, feints, ripostes or combos to overcome your enemies.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
I believe by disabling the 'Master Strike' ability the game's combat system really shines. Instead of mindlessly pressing the block button at the right time, you'll have to engage with everything else that is available to you, such as dodging, feinting, ripostes or combos. Since NPCs can no longer easily block all your offensive attempts with 'Master Strike,' you'll have a real opportunity to use these other techniques. Your skill levels now actually make a difference—no longer can a peasant Henry cheese his way through the Rattay Tournament by relying solely on Master Strikes to defeat his more skilled opponents.
The mod can be safely enabled or disabled at any time and is compatible with version 1.9.6 and beyond.
You may notice that Captain Bernard still offers to teach you 'Master Strike' (if you haven't learned it already). This is because the mod only prevents you from using 'Master Strike,' not from learning it. However, attempting to learn it while the mod is installed will be unsuccessful, so I recommend temporarily disabling or removing the mod if you wish to learn it at some point.
- 'Master Strike' ability is disabled for both the player and all NPCs.
- Combo damage output increased to compensate for missing Master Strike damage.
- Slightly decreased NPCs clinch reaction speed (harder to win a clinch).
- Readjusted NPCs defense action weightings. They are more likely to perform a 'Perfect Block'.
- Slightly decreased NPCs max. delay between attacks.
- Slightly increased XP gain from successful combos (from 4 to 5).
- Fighting groups of enemies is more manageable (check mod.cfg for more infos).
How to install the mod:
- Download and unzip the main file
- Copy folder MasterStrikeBegone to your Mods directory (e.g. D:\GOG Galaxy\Kingdom Come Deliverance\Mods)
- Launch the game in devmode (How to run KCD in devmode)
Recommended additional mods (optional):
- Slo Mo Begone: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/1647
- Restore Riposte: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/1765