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Better perf, shadows, grass, antialiasing, ...
No more glowing hair and increase of clarity and contrast to all NPCs hair/beards, also fixes some weird hair colors for now.
- 42.1MB
- 1.1k
- --
No more glowing hair and increase of clarity and contrast to all NPCs hair/beards, also fixes some weird hair colors for now.
Adjusted Ultra Graphics Config
A config for better performance using Ultra graphic settings. Improves texture streaming, LODs, lighting, and tweaked shadows for increased FPS.
- 2KB
- 389
- --
Adjusted Ultra Graphics Config
A config for better performance using Ultra graphic settings. Improves texture streaming, LODs, lighting, and tweaked shadows for increased FPS.
This is how Kingdom Come should have looked like from the beginning. This Reshade Preset does nothing over the top, all it does it improve the clarity, clearness, shadows, and the overall colorfulness of the game while still keeping performance in mind.
- 4KB
- 24
- --
This is how Kingdom Come should have looked like from the beginning. This Reshade Preset does nothing over the top, all it does it improve the clarity, clearness, shadows, and the overall colorfulness of the game while still keeping performance in mind.