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A simple cl command to stop the dot from disappearing when using a bow.
Removes helmet vision.
No Mo' Slow Mo - Configurable Perfect Block Slow Motion and AI Master Strike frequency
This mod adds a console command to configure the length of the Perfect Block slow-motion effect, including disabling it completely. Also includes optional mods to disable the slow motion sound effect, and control AI Master Strike frequency
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No Mo' Slow Mo - Configurable Perfect Block Slow Motion and AI Master Strike frequency
This mod adds a console command to configure the length of the Perfect Block slow-motion effect, including disabling it completely. Also includes optional mods to disable the slow motion sound effect, and control AI Master Strike frequency
Stay Clean Longer - PTF Edition
Henry seems to fall into pile of dung every 10 meters. Well, no more! Successor to many Stay Clean mods.
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Stay Clean Longer - PTF Edition
Henry seems to fall into pile of dung every 10 meters. Well, no more! Successor to many Stay Clean mods.
Quicksave with F5, no items required
Makes the helmet vision translucent.
Removes dot reticle.
This mod will remove the time limit from all decisions.Mod is for kcd v1.9.6.
(PTF) The founding principle of this mod is that EVERY unique item-id has its own unique in-game name; no two items should EVER share the same name unless they ARE the same item
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(PTF) The founding principle of this mod is that EVERY unique item-id has its own unique in-game name; no two items should EVER share the same name unless they ARE the same item
Adjusted Ultra Graphics Config
A config for better performance using Ultra graphic settings. Improves texture streaming, LODs, lighting, and tweaked shadows for increased FPS.
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Adjusted Ultra Graphics Config
A config for better performance using Ultra graphic settings. Improves texture streaming, LODs, lighting, and tweaked shadows for increased FPS.
Improves/Widens your Helmet vision by 20%
Add an indication to the quest log for quests that are time sensitive.
EN:Henry now can give alms to refugees/beggars in Rattay.CZ:Jindra nyní může dávat almužnu žebrákům/uprchlíkům v Ratajích.Lokalizace / Localization:CZE,ENG,FRA,GER,RUS,CHN,PL
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EN:Henry now can give alms to refugees/beggars in Rattay.CZ:Jindra nyní může dávat almužnu žebrákům/uprchlíkům v Ratajích.Lokalizace / Localization:CZE,ENG,FRA,GER,RUS,CHN,PL
Reticle For Bow Only - Toggle Reticle
Get the best of both worlds by keeping the reticle when using the bow, and turning it off at all other times.
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Reticle For Bow Only - Toggle Reticle
Get the best of both worlds by keeping the reticle when using the bow, and turning it off at all other times.
Remove Auto Camera Lock In Combat
Are you tired of trying to play this game over and over, only to drop it because the combat is too frustrating? Look no further. This mod completely disables automatic camera locking in combat, but keeps manual locking, and even improves it.
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Remove Auto Camera Lock In Combat
Are you tired of trying to play this game over and over, only to drop it because the combat is too frustrating? Look no further. This mod completely disables automatic camera locking in combat, but keeps manual locking, and even improves it.
The horrendous combat we've all grown to hate where all you had to do was press Q when prompted to Master Strike your way to victory is no more.MANUAL INSTALLATION:Extract the folder 'Zeeb - Better Combat' into "...\Steam\steamapps\common\
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The horrendous combat we've all grown to hate where all you had to do was press Q when prompted to Master Strike your way to victory is no more.MANUAL INSTALLATION:Extract the folder 'Zeeb - Better Combat' into "...\Steam\steamapps\common\
ETSGF - Easy to see glowing Arrow feathers - 1.9.6 - Multi-Colored arrow support
An update of the old but loved ETSGF mod to work with the latest PTF update for KCD (1.9.6). Now has multi-colored arrow versions, thanks to Bluefirevortex!
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ETSGF - Easy to see glowing Arrow feathers - 1.9.6 - Multi-Colored arrow support
An update of the old but loved ETSGF mod to work with the latest PTF update for KCD (1.9.6). Now has multi-colored arrow versions, thanks to Bluefirevortex!
Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes.
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Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes.
Combination of Unlimited Weight More XP and ECLSCAFR PTF
This mod is a combination of Unlimited Weight + More XP + Easier Combat Lower Stamina cost and Faster RegenerateSince those 3 mods are not compatible with each other I decided to merge them and share it with you
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Combination of Unlimited Weight More XP and ECLSCAFR PTF
This mod is a combination of Unlimited Weight + More XP + Easier Combat Lower Stamina cost and Faster RegenerateSince those 3 mods are not compatible with each other I decided to merge them and share it with you
43 hoods/scarfs standalone with hoods UP