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About this mod

Corrects inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and weirdness in armor and weaponry names.

Permissions and credits
When I first got KCD2 one of the first things I noticed was the complete inaccuracy of several item names. Others were inconsistent, and some were completely useless in describing the item. This mod fixes most of these. I left out most of the weapons and regional names due to them being mostly fine.

 - Military sword -> Arming sword -- "Military sword" is completely meaningless, as swords are by nature military.
 - Balshanka -- corrected description to refer to it as a poleaxe instead of a halberd.
 - Voulge -> Halberd -- a common misconception, the ingame model is an early form of halberd while an actual voulge is a single-bladed lugged weapon such as a glaive or guisarme.
 - Hunting swords -> Messer
 - Homemade hunting sword -> Seax

 - Saxon bascinet -> Pig-faced klappvisor bascinet -- also corrected description
 - Italian bascinet -> Plow-faced bascinet
 - Hounskull and Nuremberg -- corrected description
 - Brunswick's bascinet -> Brunswick's greathelm
 - Brunswick's coif -> Brunswick's bascinet

Chest armor:
 - Smooth, mended, rusted, riding cuirasses -> renamed to breastplates, as these are not full cuirasses
 - Milanese brigandine -> Milanese covered cuirass
 - Short chainmail, Hauberk long -> Short hauberk, Long hauberk
 - Italian hauberk, Saxon hauberk -> Short haubergeon, Long haubergeon

Arm armor:
 - corrected sleeves, hands, gauntlets, arms etc to arm harness: plate knight, nuremberg, magdeburg etc
 - corrected descriptions
 - Laminar hands with rondels -> Splint arm harness with pauldrons -- this is not laminar
 - Noble laminar hands -> Noble brigandine arm harness -- this is not laminar
 - Plain laminar gauntlets -> Brigandine arm harness -- this is not laminar
 - Reinforced tempered gauntlets -> Splint arm harness -- this is a horrible and useless name and tells me nothing about what the armor is

Leg armor:
 - corrected legs, leg armor etc to leg harness: bavarian, noble, saxon etc
 - corrected descriptions
 - Laminar knight legs -> Knight brigandine leg harness -- this is not laminar
 - Old brigandine legs -> Splint leg harness -- this is not brigandine