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  1. Caites
    • premium
    • 1,992 kudos
    1.2 - added 3 more versions: only food doesn't spoil (herbs lose potency over time for those still willing to dry herbs), x10 spoil times instead of infinite and x10 spoil times + supplies are weightless (for those who wants meaningful carry weight, but without making hoarding painful).
    1.3 - added 2 "just weightless" versions:

    • herbs only,
    • more or less everything that can be considered "supplies" (food, drinks, potions, poisons, books, documents and crafting materials).
    1.4 - updated all versions manifests to follow updated vortex extensions for the game. I personally don't have issues with Vortex rn, which properly renames everything where needed and adds mods to load order without modid entry, but if mod stopped worked for you, try to update it to 1.4.
    1.4.1 - on request added 50% herbs weight version, in Optional Files.
    1.5 - Warning! Versions in Main Files are fully modular, each cover specific items type, versions in Optional files are mixes ready to go, sort of AIOs. Feel free to mix files that don't share item types. All are PTFs and compatible with other PTF item mods. If smth doesn't work - its on other mod's side. Missed items on my side are still possible, don't hesitate to report those.
    1.5.1 - food-related versions should have natively decayless food/drink restored (was 1000 days for everything). Hope this is one of final edits.
    1.5.1 - added "Herbs don't spoil" version on request (1000d, with vanilla weights, affects non-dried herbs only).
    1.5.2 - fixed manifests wrong version, no need to update if you are not using Vortex.
    1.6 - updated manifest for patch 1.2.
  2. Caites
    • premium
    • 1,992 kudos
    Everyone giving suggestions they don't understand (like removing game version in manifest) will be blocked. I warned in my profile, that I don't tolerate harmful suggestions in comments which I need to troubleshoot later, because people think its a part of the mod.

    Also, best you can do when game's patch arrive is just wait for mods update instead of spamming "its broken, we are doomed" in a 5 minute after they updated the game. Modders know when mod requires update, there is no need to give advices or create drama, it will only make updating process longer.
  3. CLBR
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    Please exuse me if this wasn't part of your mod but it seems some items still got weight.

    - Utility Items
    - Dices
    - Misc.
    - Fried Snow (Food)
    - Horse Items
    1. Caites
      • premium
      • 1,992 kudos
      thanks, indeed some low level poisons were in another file not covered by mod. I've added them as well as the whole <Ointment> category - perfumes, bandages and kits - to Potions & Ointments version. not tested yet, I currently don't have a proper save, unfortunately.

      keys ain't covered, as well as some misc items, I don't know if that really that important to have those few items weightless, not like anyone stacks them.
  4. BulldogCheshire
    • supporter
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    Thanks for updating :-)
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    May I ask if it is possible to add a version that reduces the weight of the medicine separately
  6. walmartpoliceceo
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    I am so sorry to ask.  I have read through comments and the desc.

    I just want to have everything weightless and nothing spoils.   I would then download, 

    Herbs and files are weightless/dont spoil

    And then the seperate weightless mods for everything else?
  7. ronig
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    It would also be good to remove the weight of the arrows, I have put a stack of 130 arrows and it reduced my speed from 30 to 28, just because it was a large stack, I put another stack of 50 and it didn't reduce anything... absurd that the arrows count as weight for speed and it hurts you to have a lot of them xd
  8. Irthos
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    Does it also applies to food stored in the horse?
  9. dcdude86
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    Maybe I'm just not reading it correctly. I can't seem to get the food/herb don't spoil and weightless versions to work together. Weightless works on its on. But I've tried the Food/Herb don't spoil main files and the optional Food/Herb don't spoil (1000d), and they both cancel the weightless one out. Do I need to adjust the mod order?
  10. Bymeee
    • member
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    all supplies weighless does not work if combined with food and herb dont spoil (1000 day), the weight will reset to the original..

    please fix sir

    note : version 1.5.2
    1. Caites
      • premium
      • 1,992 kudos
      have you tried to read desc page?
    2. Bymeee
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ahh i see, pardon me sir i didn't see the main file already included both.. thanks sir.. 
  11. Geber1855
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    * Weightless Potions (PTF)
    * Weightless Herbs without Decay (PTF)

    But weak versions of some poisons still weigh 0.2

    *Weak Lullaby potion (it is called potion but it is a poison)
    *Weak bane poison
    *Weak Dollmaker poison

    Also Charcoal, Lard, Cobweb and some others weigh their normal amount.

    Still thanks for the mod. I didn't want to install extra carrying capacity mods and this solved my inventory problems.

  12. ASTROID2
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    All of the food I have is at 1k except Roe Dear Loin. That still spoils in 1 day. Using the onlyfooddoesntspoil one.