About this mod
Add recipes for some armors so that players could forge their own armors
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It seems that we can only acquire tier 3 armors in game, but tier 4 is available according to the game codes. So, I come up with this mod.
This mod adds a variety of top-tier armor (like Milanese Cuirass) and clothes blueprints to the game, allowing players to forge some of the best armor available. By acquiring these blueprints, players can craft Henry Tier (tier 4) armors, offering the best protection and charm.
Besides, you can also purchase these blueprints from Blacksmith Radovan. Some rare material in recipes can also be found at Radovan's store.
Armor recipes are all under 'other' crafting category, using forging axe animation. You can acquire tier 4 products if you have Martin's Secret perk.
To install the mod, just put the mod under KingdomComeDeliverance2\Mods.
This mod will conflict with mods that modifies the shop of Radovan, including rich merchants. Since this mod is a PTF mod, you can only load with this mod, craft tier 4 armors and then uninstall it. Upon uninstallation, crafted tier 4 armors will be preserved.
If you have trouble solving shop conflict, you can use recipe item id to add the sketches.
Here is the id for mod recipe items:
Sketch for Noble's bascinet: a1b2c3d4-e5f6-4a7b-8c9d-0e1f2a3b4c5d
Sketch for Mail collar with badge: f4e3d2c1-b6a5-4879-9c8b-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Sketch for Brocade hood: 9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d
Sketch for Mail hood with a coat of arms: 3b4c5d6e-7f8a-9b0c-1d2e-3f4a5b6c7d8e
Sketch for Hauberk long: 6f7e8d9c-0b1a-2c3d-4e5f-6a7b8c9d0e1f
Sketch for Short pourpoint: 2a3b4c5d-6e7f-8a9b-0c1d-2e3f4a5b6c7d
Sketch for Milanese cuirass: 8e9f0a1b-2c3d-4e5f-6a7b-8c9d0e1f2a3b
Sketch for Nuremberg plate gauntlets: 4d5e6f7a-8b9c-0d1e-2f3a-4b5c6d7e8f9a
Sketch for Nuremberg gauntlets: 1c2d3e4f-5a6b-7c8d-9e0f-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Sketch for Padded chausses: 5b6c7d8e-9f0a-1b2c-3d4e-5f6a7b8c9d0e
Sketch for Noble's plate legs: 0e1f2a3b-4c5d-6e7f-8a9b-0c1d2e3f4a5b