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About this mod

Having mastered his craft, Henry now shapes horseshoes that bestow upon any mount a speed so great, it is said to rival the wind's own swiftness

Permissions and credits
  • German
A simple mod that adds a craftable horseshoe, providing a speed boost strong enough to make every horse swift as the wind. It unlocked by learning the basic hunting sword recipe, so should be ready to smith for anyone. Its in the other category.
Got a mission to chase a dude and he left me and poor pebbles in the dust. I will not have it.

Installation: Extract the folder into:
📂 Kingdom Come - Deliverance II\mods
(If the mods folder doesn’t exist, create it manually.)
Typical installation path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance2\Mods\

Making this item yourself:

In this guide, we'll be making a new item in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 by copying an existing item. A horseshoe.

Start by making a new folder called horseshoetesting
This will be our mod folder
Within it we will crate a new txt file and name it "mod.manifest" Fill it out using the same folder name as modid like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Test Horseshoes</name>
<description>Simple test mod to add an item</description>

We will then navigate to the games Data folder and find Tables.pak\Libs\Tables\item and find the right xml. In this case:

Pay attention to pathing and make corresponding folders in your data folder and copy this xml file into it

The path should now be horseshoetesting\Data\Libs\Tables\Item\item__horse.xml
Rename it to be item__horseshoetesting.xml

The double underscores indicates to the game that this will patch the item.xml file.

In this xml file we will now find:

<Armor DefenseStab="1" DefenseSlash="3" DefenseSmash="1" StrReq="0" Noise="0"
MaxStatus="16" Visibility="1" Conspicuousness="0" Charisma="0"
RPGBuffWeight="1" SocialClassId="60" WealthLevel="10" MaxQuality="1"
Clothing="HorseShoe" IconId="horseshoeRacing"
UIInfo="ui_in_horseshoeRacing" UIName="ui_nm_horseshoeRacing"
Weight="0.5" Price="500" FadeCoef="1" VisibilityCoef="9.486833"
Id="4934fb15-73c4-4b71-912a-9bab78a53f66" Name="horseshoeRacing"/>

This is a horseshoe, and what we want to copy. Clear the other entries, leaving you with an xml file looking like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<database xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="barbora" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="item.xsd">
<ItemClasses version="8">
<Armor DefenseStab="1" DefenseSlash="3" DefenseSmash="1" StrReq="0"
Noise="0" MaxStatus="16" Visibility="1" Conspicuousness="0" Charisma="0"
RPGBuffWeight="1" SocialClassId="60" WealthLevel="10" MaxQuality="1"
Clothing="HorseShoe" IconId="horseshoeRacing"
UIInfo="ui_in_horseshoeRacing" UIName="ui_nm_horseshoeRacing"
Weight="0.5" Price="500" FadeCoef="1" VisibilityCoef="9.486833"
Id="4934fb15-73c4-4b71-912a-9bab78a53f66" Name="horseshoeRacing" />

To make a new item from this, we first have to give it a new id using a UUID generator to create a new one. This guide will be using "8a4b1fcf-9f9d-4e1e-98a3-e133a0b1e34d". Then change Name to horseshoeTesting leaving us with this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<database xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="barbora" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="item.xsd">
<ItemClasses version="8">
<Armor DefenseStab="1" DefenseSlash="3" DefenseSmash="1" StrReq="0"
Noise="0" MaxStatus="16" Visibility="1" Conspicuousness="0" Charisma="0"
RPGBuffWeight="1" SocialClassId="60" WealthLevel="10" MaxQuality="1"
Clothing="HorseShoe" IconId="horseshoeRacing"
UIInfo="ui_in_horseshoeRacing" UIName="ui_nm_horseshoeRacing"
Weight="0.5" Price="500" FadeCoef="1" VisibilityCoef="9.486833"
Id="8a4b1fcf-9f9d-4e1e-98a3-e133a0b1e34d" Name="horseshoeTesting" />

Next we will add localization to write a new description for it. Fist look for ui_in_horseshoeRacing and ui_nm_horseshoeRacing in the file you already have open and replace Racing with Testing and save the file

Go back to your main folder where you have Data and your manifest, make a new folder called Localization

In this folder we will make a new txt file and call it text_ui_items__horseshoetesting.xml
In this, we can write a description fitting the names we put above, like:

<Cell>Magical horseshoes made for testing. My very first item mod</Cell>
<Cell>Magical horseshoes made for testing. My very first item mod</Cell>
<Cell>Magical horseshoes</Cell>
<Cell>Magical horseshoes</Cell>

Save this file and we will move on to pakking

To make pak files, you can either use 7z or a pak maker follwing seperate guides, but I will write how to use winrar.

Right click your localization xml file, add it to archive, make the format zip and name it English_xml.pak
Make sure to go to the time tab and unclick high precision time format.

Now go into your data folder, and make a pak from your Libs folder in the same way, naming it horseshoetesting.pak

You can now put the horseshoetesting folder in your mods folder and test it yourself
Making these into correctly pathed pak files will make the game load them.

To easily test we need to enable devmode and use "wh_cheat_additem horseshoeTesting" to spawn

To add it as a blacksmith item:

In tables.pak, find minigame and BlacksmithRecipes.xml

Make a minigame folder next to your item folder and drop the xml in there, rename it to BlacksmithRecipes__horseshoetesting.xml

Find the racing horseshoes, and delete all the other entries.

Remake it so you have something like

    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="barbora" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../database.xsd">
    <BlacksmithRecipes version="1">
        <BlacksmithRecipe Id="r_horseshoeTesting" UIIcon="horseshoeRacing" Category="Other" MinSkillLevel="1" WorkpieceId="horseshoe" PerkId="328b519f-4cb4-4127-a79a-27e6d3ffc4dc">
            <UIName StringName="ui_nm_horseshoeTesting" Text="Testing horseshoe" CreatedOn="23.2.2025 16:21:24" Translator="you"/>
            <UIDesc StringName="ui_in_horseshoeTesting" Text="Magical horseshoes made for testing. My very first item mod." LoadedOn="30.5.2024 18:53:28"/>
                <BlacksmithRecipeIngredient ItemClassId="92aa6120-028e-48ee-8ed1-1c5f91afaa26" Amount="2"/>
                <BlacksmithRecipeIngredient ItemClassId="3c1c0ae2-731e-40c1-a917-024fb3f000da" Amount="1"/>
                <BlacksmithRecipeProduct ItemClassId="8a4b1fcf-9f9d-4e1e-98a3-e133a0b1e34d" MinimalQuality="3"/>

You should now make a new pak out of your Libs folder and see if you can smith it.

Bon apple tea


Ah yes you ask, but how does it actually make the horse go vroom?

Change RPGBuffWeight="1" to
