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Codey Hanson

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About this mod

A Better Stats Brunswick Armor plus
a collection of files that lets you choose your armor style for the Brunswick Armor.

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for capes check out my other mod

Currently, 10 versions working on more

Will post photos of each one at a later time but hopefully for now text is enough for now.  if someone can grab screenshots that would help thank you

Purple Brunswick
Is a full on Dark Purple Armor even the metal with Stat changes as well

Purple Brunswick, Normal Metal
Is a dark purple armor but for the metal parts with stat changes as well

Blue Brunswick Armor
A Blue Armor with stat changes as well

More Red Brunswick
A bright Red Armor with stat changes as well

Better Brunswick
Just Stat changes

Gray Brunswick
This is the original black but was able to make a darker one 

Black Brunswick
if you downloaded the first one I managed to find something that would make it pretty much real black so please download new version 1.1

Yellow Brunswick Armor
Yellow with stat changes as well

Green Brunswick Armor
Green with stat changes as well

White Brunswick Armor
White with stat changes as well

also changes the armor to match the best armor in the game

if you want to remove the lion on head use the following mod

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