- Refine results Found 3 results. 979 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Keybindable Quicksave (default F10 on PC / Start Button on XBOX and PS5 - hold 0.3s).
Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes. (PTF)
- 228KB
- 158
- --
Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes. (PTF)
Loot Info - Container is empty or I already opened-looted it
Displays beside the "Loot/Open/Steal" interaction button whether the content is empty, already been opened or looted./ Zeigt beim Plündern/Öffnen/Stehlen-Button an, ob der Inhalt leer ist, bereits geöffnet oder geplündert wurde.
- 49KB
- 82
- --
Loot Info - Container is empty or I already opened-looted it
Displays beside the "Loot/Open/Steal" interaction button whether the content is empty, already been opened or looted./ Zeigt beim Plündern/Öffnen/Stehlen-Button an, ob der Inhalt leer ist, bereits geöffnet oder geplündert wurde.