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Changing some of the kh3 ui into something resembling kh2, thanks to That one Dude the quality for menu bg and lv up hud are higher.

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Changing some of the kh3 ui into something resembling kh2, thanks to That one Dude the quality for menu bg and lv up hud are higher.
Replaced are:the golden heart, Lv up hud seperate from the main file as it is very cool looking, Menu (mostly), most worlds that appear in kh2 have their kh2 icon, special icons Final world is using the kh logo and scala uses the TWTNW icon,  seperate huds for radian garden as in kh2 RG and HW have seperate icons those icons will also effect Land of departures icon as Castle Oblivion was found in the HB files and when loaded shows either HB or RG, the save menu also resembles as far as I could do it the save menu from kh2