MOD REQUEST Donald and Goofy always in party

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Trying to see if its possible to mod Donald and Goofy into fights they are typically not supposed to be in. For example at the beginning of the game in Destiny Islands, or at the end vs Dark Riku and Ansem 2.


  1. fofan77
    • member
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    this is so cool!  i've been wondering if someone is gonna make a mod where we can have who we want in the party which would make the islands and station of awakening look so different XD and it would be so cool if we could also get a mod that puts the stronger heartless in place of the power wilds in the climbing trees for when it's after the first section of hallow bastion and the normal heartless of every world changes to the new stronger heartless
  2. Datguyphiff
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    Kingdon Hearts But you stay jumpin.
  3. Shotafanboy
    • member
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    Lol I trying to do the opposite. See if you can somehow remove Donald and Goofy so that Sora can get more action lol.