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About this mod

Rewrite of the graphics pipeline to add HDR and controls for bloom, vignette, LUTs, color grading, and film grain.

Permissions and credits
RenoDX rewrites the game's DX11 shaders to add HDR and user controls for the game. It uses the Reshade Add-on API to hook into the game, NOT RESHADE EFFECTS.



  • Graphics engine rewrite for HDR support
  • Based on Reshade's Addon system to avoid needing to constantly patch after game updates
  • 3 customizable presets
  • "Off" Preset
  • Realtime sliders
  • Gamma Correction to emulate 2.2 when in HDR or sRGB Mode (on by default)

Tone Mapper:

  • Frostbite Tone Mapper
  • RenoDRT Tone Mapper
  • DICE Tone Mapper
  • No tonemapper (unclamped)
Color Grading:

  • Exposure Slider
  • Highlights Slider
  • Shadows Slider
  • Contrast Slider
  • Saturation Slider
  • Blowout Slider - Modern tonemappers blow out highlights whereas vanilla is more conservative.
  • LUT Strength Slider - Choose the blending strength of the game's color grading LUTs


  • Bloom Slider 
  • Vignette Slider (very simple custom vignette)
  • Film Grain Slider - (black&white or colored custom film grain)


  • Install Reshade 6.3.3 or higher with addon support (link). No Reshade effects are required.
  • Copy renodx-koarr.addon32 into your installation folder (next to koa.exe and the same folder you installed reshade to)
  • Run game
  • Press <HOME> on your keyboard to access Reshade UI.
Known Issues

  • Only when loading a save, loading screen glitches for a brief moment.


  • The game appears dull. Is this even HDR? - By default, RenoDX is configured to match Vanilla SDR. From there you can
    tweak to your liking. For a more "HDR" appearance, try some of the Color Grading templates.
  • How is this any better than (insert other HDR process)? - The engine has been rewritten and resources upgraded from 8-bit SDR to
    16-bit HDR. The source to create the image is not the SDR image, but the raw image before the game converts it to SDR. This allows information that was completely blown out by the game's original lack of tonemapper to show through. This is not a post-process of an SDR image, but a reprocessing of the native one.
  • I don't have HDR. Can I use this? - Yes, you can still reconfigure game's visuals with the tonemapper, only you
    would have to add just Gamma Correction to Off (unless your monitor is in SRGB mode). Peak nits and Game nits should be set to 80 which is Window's default for SDR.

Note: you can find RenoDX mods for more games here.

About RenoDX

RenoDX, short for "Renovation Engine for DirectX Games", is a toolset to mod
games. Currently it can replace shaders, inject buffers, add overlays,
and write user settings to disks. Because RenoDX uses Reshade's add-on
system, compatibility is expected to be pretty wide. Using Reshade
simplies all the hook necessary to tap into DirectX without worrying
about patching version-specific exe files. The source code is available
on GitHub.

About me

You can usually find me over at #renodx channel in the HDR Den Discord

ShortFuse for creating the RenoDX framework.
Lilium for the analysis shader used in comparison pictures and even more while making the mod.
RenoDX and Luma devs for the help.
Someone for sharing 100% save file online.