A Knights of Honor II: Sovereign mod
What it does
Allows the user to enable the aging of knights.
How to install
There are two ways to install the mod.
1. Use my installer-script. Just execute the 'install_mod.bat'. It will automatically copy/move all the needed files. It can be that the script cannot find the game folder automatically. In this case the script will show an error. You then have to edit the script yourself and enter the path to your game.
2. Copy all files automatically. Go into the games folder. Locate the folders 'Defs', 'Maps' and 'Texts'. Copy those folders into C:\Users\<youruser>\AppData\LocalLow\BlackSeaGames\Sovereign\Saves\Mods\Aging Knights. If this folder doesn't exist, you'll have to create it yourself. Afterwards copy the mod-files by copying any existing folder inside this folder.
After you installed the mod in either way, the mod should be selectable/activatable from inside the game. In the main menu go to 'Settings' and then 'Mods'. There you should see 'Aging Knights'. Select the mod and hit 'Apply changes'.
Write me at Discord (Zerg#8482) or email ([email protected]). I'll try to help.
Where is this mod available?
My Github page: https://github.com/Vaweila/Aging-Knights
Nexusmods: You are already here
The mod is acting weird?
The game probably upated the files the mod changes. This means that the mod has to be adapted. Use the contact info in the 'Problems?' section and I will try to fix it.
Why is the mod not selected after I hit 'Apply changes'?
If this happens, the mod was not installed correctly and the game recognized that files are missing from the mod folder. The mod folder needs to contain all three folders ('Defs', 'Maps' and 'Texts') and all files inside of them to work correctly.
Isn't it totally unsave to just execute a .bat file from a stranger?
Yes, it is. If you don't trust me enough, don't execute the 'install_mod.bat'. The script saves some time copying files from one place to another. That's why I wrote the script. If you have some experience with the windows command line and batch scripts you can open the file in any editor and read it and you will realize that it is in no way harmful.
The installation script is missing?
Some websites (nexusmods) don't allow batch-scripts to be uploaded, therefore I had to remove them. If you want to have the convenience of not having to install the mod manually, you can download the install-script from my github page.