Skyrim Legendary Edition

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Most of you may have seen that hideous Legendary Edition cover that has been floating around the net lately. Well, now the real thing is on its way. Bethesda announced it about an hour ago, and it is set to be released June 4th in the US and June 7th in Europe. The price will be set to:
Consoles: $59.99 US / £39.99 / €49.99 / $69.99 AUD
PC: $59.99 US / £29.99 / €39.99 / $49.99 AUD

The Legendary edition will include all DLCs (Hearthfire, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn), as well as the latest version of the game.

Now, the bad news is that they have said that update 1.9 will be employed for the Legendary Edition, which "kind of" confirms that they will not be making any more updates to the game.


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  1. nikikicat99
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Well then, that means we're going to the next Elder Scrolls game. It sucks, I know, and I don't feel like it was finished (what happens to the Dragonborn after defeating the first?), but hopefully this can all be resolved in the sixth installment. I'm hoping we can kick some Thalmor butt, as well. xD
    1. zacRupnow
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I don't think there will be another Elder Scrolls after this multiplayer crap Elder Scrolls Online.
    2. Dukoth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      lies and slander

      wow is ONE instance, I don't see any reason why they would stop making their cash cow
    3. accidmav
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      the ability to mod the normal TES games will keep those iterations coming for a long time. That's a big difference between other MMOs and the elder scrolls one. There is an extremely dedicated modding community that plays the game just for that, its a completely different concept to create your own experience through mods than it is to hop into a normal MMO adventure.
    4. Crionnacht
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The Elder Scrolls Online is set on the 2nd Era while Skyrim is the 4th if I remember correctly so they are free to continue the saga for as long as they want. But I do believe they will take their time in releasing a new TES title.
    5. fanefisher
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @duko you do realise bethesda can make money off of there other products/games as well I.e oblivion or rarely morrowind. Elder scrolls online is just multiplayer scrolls with oblivion graphic's i highly doubt that they will sell Elder scrolls online on steam due to the xbox 720 and PS4 but there is a chance that they will sell ESO on steam around a 30% chance.
    6. drakenjager2
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Their next big thing is probably not TES VI, but more likely Fallout IV, If they are going to release a new Elder Scrolls, the MMO won't be played by the big TES fanbase, but they rather play TES VI.
    7. Dukoth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      and what proof do you have of that, none what-so-ever, that's what

      they WILL continue to make new TES games, and they WILL continue to release them on PC, because despite what every one is determined to think:

    8. worldbestmountblade12
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i dont have faith in bethesda after fallout 4 and starfield.
  2. laranjm92
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Vortex doesn't seem to be working with Skyrim LE.. also it seems its not supported. Skyrim LE is not even in the game list.
  3. ikiro06
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    tragam o nexus mod manager de volta por favor
  4. 62firelight
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Bought the Legendary Edition, had to do some stuff with the old Skyrim files (deleting them, moving all mods to the new Legendary Edition) and it works as if I installed all DLCs and patches. 
  5. JonDark
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Just bought and installed my copyof the legendary edition and it doesn't install right. The DLC is absent and the game asumes I'm still playing my old disk. I can't find any support and I paid full price for it. To anyone else considering buying the Legendary edition I can only say don't waste your money.
  6. Monkinsane
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    In response to post #7910728. #7910994, #7911030 are all replies on the same post.

    Am I the only person that thinks maybe this is a good thing? If Skyrim is done with "Official" updates, then all mods that fix problems Bethesda hasn't addressed (not to mention ones that add things that should have been included by Bethesda) no longer have to run on a cycle with the official updates. It's now in the community's hands to make Skyrim better, and with what I've seen done from Morrowind to Skyrim, from FO3 and FO:NV, I do believe that Skyrim is in more than capable hands.

    The community has fixed far more bugs and improved the game way more than any of the patches have to date.
  7. Axeman
    • member
    • 38 kudos
    I hate Steam, I simply don't trust my content in their hands, and I'm amazed that ppl actually believe there is a magic off switch. (ie, in case they go out of business, or whatever.)

    First of all, you have to download the game\content before it gets shut down, miss that opportunity for whatever reason, and it's gone. (I highly doubt a bankrupt company is going to run their servers for very long.)

    (I also doubt you'll be able to legally host this material on other servers, which means, anyone who was unfortunate enough to have missed that opportunity, will either have to pirate the material they OWN, or, do without. Best case scenario, every company involved host their own DLC data\etc, but, many gaming companies have went bankrupt, so, who gets to host their content?)

    Many games are incomplete without connecting and downloading removed bits of content, and code, so, let's say that they do have a backup plan, fine, but, what happens after you uninstall the game, then decide to install again 2 years later?

    The servers are gone by then, I'd wager.

    There isn't a "one size fits all" solution either, some games have multiple DLC's, and some ppl only payed for "X" DLC content, so, what, catch them at the right time and get all the DLC free? Custom installers created for every case scenario, for every single game? (It would have to be something downloadable, how else would you store it for future use?)

    They could, I suppose, look at your account, and automate the process based on what you own, but, even then, you have to wonder what state the content will be delivered in, is it just loose files, will they automate the process of creating an easy to use installer, etc,. ?

    It will likely be the laziest method available, which is as stated, looking at your account, and just stuffing the files down your throat in a big folder. (Then, YOU have to create some method of installing everything properly. Hardly a job for the average user.)

    What happens if you want a piece of DLC that you skipped out on buying, say, 5 years later? You can't buy it anymore, I guess you have to pirate it, or do without. (Or pray the developer is still around, and cares enough to host it.)

    I think it's a technical nightmare, and personally, I think it's just a story they tell you to make you trust them.
    1. foster xbl
      foster xbl
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      exactly, little known fact. you cant even install skyrim from the retail disk with installing steam first. so no steam = no game no matter what measures they put in place.
    2. deleted2242752
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Agreed. I think DRM is going too far now. And lets face it, it's only inconveniencing people who buy the game.

      Just about every game worth playing has been cracked by pirates. And they will continue to do that, indefinitely.

      What happened to the old days of put cd in, install game, store cd and play game?

      I could even deal with cd in drive required to play. But anything else is just annoying the average user. So game companies, stop using DRM! It's not saving you money, its costing you money, and its costing you customers.

      I'll never buy a GTA game again after IV's retarded DRM system.

      Bethesda is alright with their DRM but its going too far with Steam, I think.

    3. Dukoth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      so if steam goes out of business, it will be just like if you lost or broke a copy of an old game

      they don't make them anymore, you have to go to underground means to find it, if you can

      oh, and your idiots if you think the content owners are just going to sit around with their thumbs up their asses while steam goes belly-up and not get their content onto other services

      and those other services will not miss the opertunity to get new customers by offering to link those old steam games with their service for free as a gesture of good faith
    4. Axeman
      • member
      • 38 kudos
      "so if steam goes out of business, it will be just like if you lost or broke a copy of an old game"

      Sure, except, the solution to that problem, is not being 12. (ie, Being responsible, and taking care of your things like a big boy.)

      Also, it's a bit more like, if Steam were to break into your home, and smash up all your games.

      Other than that, spot on analogy. /sarcasm

      "oh, and your idiots if you think the content owners are just going to sit around with their thumbs up their asses while steam goes belly-up and not get their content onto other services"

      Sure, NEW titles will be cared for, but, do you honestly believe they'll spend money on OLD titles. (ie, At some point, they WILL stop making money on "x" game, after that, it's ALL maintenance(ie, fan service, if you will), and in business, you weigh cost\gains, if there is NO gain, and a HIGH cost, they're generally NOT going to do it, that's just business.)

      Would it be NICE if every company cared that much, sure, but, its far from realistic, I can name off an endless list of AAA game titles that have bugs, technical issues, etc, that have, and NEVER will be solved, because the DEVS couldn't justify the cost. (ie, pleasing the fans is LOW on their to-do list.)

      So, if releasing a patch is too costly, how do you think they'll justify hosting 10+ year old games, etc,. ??? (Hint: They probably won't.)

      "and those other services will not miss the opertunity to get new customers by offering to link those old steam games with their service for free as a gesture of good faith "

      This is just funny.

      You have no idea how things really work, do you...

      Deals have to be made, contracts signed, etc, etc, sometimes these can be spread out over multiple owners(Devs\publishers\etc), making an agreement hard to come by.

      Games over 5+ years old, aren't going to be very profitable in any case. (But, the owners of the content, will still WANT top dollar based on the nostalgia, and what it was, etc,.)

      in other words, these new services, may want to provide everything you suggest, but, it's NOT their decision, you can't just HOST content you don't own, deals must be made, and that's the problem, no one is going to spend top dollar to host a bunch of old titles that likely aren't going to sell very well to begin with. (Heck, I doubt they'll even be able to justify the cost of trying for most titles.)

      You know what, never mind, believe whatever you want to believe.
    5. Dukoth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      oh, I'm the funny one, am I

      nostalgia sells, it is a profitable venture, wouldn't exist if it didn't, reboots, remakes, HD editions; all of these are based on the concept that you seem to think most wouldn't give the time of day for

      those people do spend top dollar to get those old games on new systems because the people that remember them will buy them again, new people will buy them to see what all the fuss is about, it's a proven system
  8. foster xbl
    foster xbl
    • supporter
    • 310 kudos
    so, is there any chance this version will not require steam?
    1. phreatophile
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      In response to post #7911257.

      It still will require Steam.
      from comments in linked announcement:
      gstaff said on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 2:48 pm: The add-on content is on the disc for all three platforms. Two things to note:
      1) On PC, the content still requires Steam activation.
      2) On PS3, the DLC content installs from the Blu Ray disc. If you have any existing DLC content from the game that you downloaded from PSN, it will not be compatible with the Legendary disc. Youd still need to install everything from the disc. Likewise, the game content requires that you then use the Legendary Edition disc rather than using the original Skyrim disc.
      But there's an example of an interesting business model, I paid for the game on release and for each DLC, I would pay again in a heartbeat to go Steam free. I'm not the only one who despises Steam but tolerated it to have Skyrim.
    2. foster xbl
      foster xbl
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      steam does not "bother" me much, but it's the simple fact, that say 5-10 years from now, when it's been dumped, i can't install Skyrim from my retail disk, and play.
    3. Niklass
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      I don't see that happening though
    4. MLinden
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      But you can install Skyrim from your disk, it just won't be the lastest verion.
    5. sorudo
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      that's not the problem, if (or rather, when) steam hits the bucket you can't play skyrim anymore no matter how much you ask for it.
      if a steam-free version is released this problem simply doesn't exist at all, you can install it at any time and play without steam butting in.
    6. Malosar
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      By the time Steam ever is shutdown, you'll be playing Skyrim in a holodeck.
    7. deadlyillness
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      Preatophile. I agree that Steam sucks. But Bethesda cares to much about making poorly tested games and making a lot of money through exclusivity and third party software contracts. The fact is that they will probably require Steam or some other third party software in all their games. They aren't going to change anything unless we can get people to stop buying their new releases or delay purchasing their games for several months while being vocal about their terribly lazy and poor quality operations.
    8. slumpywpg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "In the unlikely event of the discontinuation of the Steam network, measures are in place to ensure that all users continue to have have access to their Steam games. "

      - Steam Support

      less than 1 minute of searching google.
    9. foster xbl
      foster xbl
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      you buy that? when i first bought this game ( on a disk mind you) i couldnt even play it offline if steam had a small hiccup in shuttting down...
    10. EnaiSiaion
      • premium
      • 9,967 kudos
      It means they can push an update to all existing Steam installations so they don't connect to the server but automatically validate each game. Of course if they get nuked it won't happen, but if it's just bankruptcy or a regular phaseout they have time to flip the switch. They are not doing this because they are "nice" but because it is a good argument to get people onto Steam.
    11. srsparky32
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      @deadlyillness do you realize how much work it is to create a game like skyrim? sure it has bugs, but thats to be expected when you're dealing with hundreds if not thousands of NPC's, conversation options, so forth. Lots of variables to factor in and such. it is a gigantic programming job and same for modeling and so forth. Bethesda put a lot of work into skyrim, they cant do everything, thats why they let the game be able to be modded as extensively as it is right now. They made an excellent game and gave it to us to be able to be improved upon. "Lazy" is NOT the word to describe Bethesda.
    12. TwoHungLow
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      @srsparky32, you're you're saying Bethesda took on a project SO big that they can't even fix their own problems? Maybe game producers shouldn't rush their final products, take Bioshock Infinite for's plagued with PC and console performance issues due to sloppy programming, this is one example out of many popular games on the market today. Bethesda isn't lazy, they just don't have very high standards because at the end of the day, they still sold thousands of copies of their product.

      I sincerely hope there will be another update to fix these animation bugs though because I doubt people will appreciate total abandonment...even our stellar modding community can't patch up these detrimental animation bugs caused by the latest major patch.
    13. darja121
      • member
      • 1 kudos

      I played Oblivion so far and wanted to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition but then I read that Skyrim needs Steam to play and now I decided not to buy, not to play any version of Skyrim - ever. So sad, but I really hate steam, online versions-played games. One option wuold be this game for PS3-but on PS3 dwnloading and using mods it's inpossible, so I don't want it either.

      I don't know when publishers will realise that this is wrong way. Bethesda is not the only one who looses customers because of that.

      This is not the subject here, but just for example: If the future Sims4 will be also kind of that way, I'm not buying it. And I'm not the only one who feels that way.

      So Bethesda, EA etc. say goodbye to many customers and vice versa: we say goodbye to such games.

    14. Masterchief358
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I don't understand why people hate steam so much, it really isn't all that bad for a digital distribution center. Those who won't buy games that require steam are limiting themselves a great deal buy refusing to install a program that doesn't do anything other than allow you to connect to friends you find in-game and promote Indie games. As for Bethesda's games being rushed... that's because the fan base is rushing them. "Can't wait for Skyrim", "OMG TESV IS ALMOST HERE", these quotes can be found everywhere when the game was about to release. Everyone gets angry when the game they're anticipating gets pushed back, but that's because they found a bug that would cause a lot of issues, or didn't like how a part worked out and decided to change it, in the end the game that gets released late ends up being better for it.
    15. Evilken42
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Steam has an offline Mode, an offline mode that WORKS mind you, I doubt you'll need Steam in the long run to do ANYTHING.
    16. daedriccat
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Masterchief, Steam takes so long to load, and it is a pain, often giving error messages about not syncing with the cloud. It's just another layer that can go wrong in running the game. However nice other features are on Steam, these can be annoying as hell. I just rather not deal with it. No surprise that I always play offline.
    17. Bloodinfested
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      I guess if you hate steam that much just buy the 360 or ps3 disk. Personally ppl make too much of a fuss over nothing aimed at steam you only need to be online once to activate the key then you can play it all you want offline. Worrying about them becoming bankrupt is rather pointless if you already have it installed on your PC you don’t need to connect to their server using offline mode. Turn off syncing with the cloud and run it in offline mode problem fixed...Now go conjure something else up worth complaining about
  9. daveKD
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    And I have now just uninstalled Skyrim and deleted all of my mod data in a fit of blind rage.
    1. KAYLAF0X
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Tantrum much?
  10. GlassDeviant
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    In response to post #7966209.

    They're referring to Updates, not DLC. There's not getting to be anything higher than 1.9.

    Beth has said there will be no more content (DLC = content). Beth has said they will continue to support Skyrim, issuing bug fixes and patches as necessary. This may or may not (likely will not, but likely != for sure) lead to a revision higher than 1.9.