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This mod removes cross class skill restrictions from classes.
All classes have all skills as class skillsRemoved preset feats at character creation (and optional slight increase in amount of feats gained)Ability to learn weakest/first of class restricted skills
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All classes have all skills as class skillsRemoved preset feats at character creation (and optional slight increase in amount of feats gained)Ability to learn weakest/first of class restricted skills
v2.0 KotOR System Overhaul - Ops Boss Auto Level-Up Custom Gear Game Balancing and More
Summary: This mod changes many aspects of the game to be better, more streamlined and more exciting. I added a new Ops Boss, (SWtOR style) made new equipment for characters, and made many systems of the game better. (Auto Level-Up optimization, increased Force power duration, better companion progression, etc.)
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v2.0 KotOR System Overhaul - Ops Boss Auto Level-Up Custom Gear Game Balancing and More
Summary: This mod changes many aspects of the game to be better, more streamlined and more exciting. I added a new Ops Boss, (SWtOR style) made new equipment for characters, and made many systems of the game better. (Auto Level-Up optimization, increased Force power duration, better companion progression, etc.)
Extended Duration Force Powers
Does what it says on the tin. Self/party buff powers duration increased.
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Extended Duration Force Powers
Does what it says on the tin. Self/party buff powers duration increased.
This mod makes alignment have no influence on how much a force power costs, basically making dark side characters be able to cast healing and light side characters be able to choke without having an increased cost
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This mod makes alignment have no influence on how much a force power costs, basically making dark side characters be able to cast healing and light side characters be able to choke without having an increased cost
Content Pack- Feats and Powers
Adds new feats and powers for players and party members.
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Content Pack- Feats and Powers
Adds new feats and powers for players and party members.
Extends the duration of Armor, Speed and Valor powers
Skip Required Turret Mini-Games
Skips all three required turret mini-games: Taris, Leviathan, and Unknown World.
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Skip Required Turret Mini-Games
Skips all three required turret mini-games: Taris, Leviathan, and Unknown World.
No forced levelup in the tutorial
No forced levelup in the tutorial.
90 FOV Camera and Instant Directional Turn Speed
This mod fixes the camera position to be more suitable for a PC viewing perspective & removes the turning animations when quickly changing directions for a more fluid gameplay and combat experience
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90 FOV Camera and Instant Directional Turn Speed
This mod fixes the camera position to be more suitable for a PC viewing perspective & removes the turning animations when quickly changing directions for a more fluid gameplay and combat experience
This mod changes feat gain, skill gain, major and minor skills and more, to be as similar as possible to the progression of Kotor 2
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This mod changes feat gain, skill gain, major and minor skills and more, to be as similar as possible to the progression of Kotor 2
Sick of having so few force powers?Tired of not leveling up throughout Taris to get more powers later?
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Sick of having so few force powers?Tired of not leveling up throughout Taris to get more powers later?
Improves the AI of KotOR 1.
This mod enables the Player to choose a specific race to play as, but does NOT include any playable heads. It only affects stats, and is intended to be used in addition to other playable character mods.
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This mod enables the Player to choose a specific race to play as, but does NOT include any playable heads. It only affects stats, and is intended to be used in addition to other playable character mods.
This simple mod, allows a very extensive set of difficulty options to be selected when playing Knights of the Old Republic. This does work for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords as well! Ranging from Effortless difficulty, where you will take no damage during gameplay, all the way up to Impossible difficulty, where every move counts!
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This simple mod, allows a very extensive set of difficulty options to be selected when playing Knights of the Old Republic. This does work for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords as well! Ranging from Effortless difficulty, where you will take no damage during gameplay, all the way up to Impossible difficulty, where every move counts!
This mod allows you to choose between a single and a double-bladed lightsaber when you make your own lightsaber on Dantooine.
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This mod allows you to choose between a single and a double-bladed lightsaber when you make your own lightsaber on Dantooine.
Canderis is back with us here at KotOR Files with a modification for the first Knights of the Old Republic game, what his latest creation does is to draw out the time it takes to level up. This is the modders solution to the fact you will have reached the max level for the game well before the games conclusion. This would also be considerably useful for those who have story line mods installed and didn't want to reach the maximum level earlier than the PC can already reach in game. This is only a beta, so it may contain a few issues, but for those who had issues with the levelling cap this may well provide a solution you were looking for. Enjoy! -- jonathan7 Please leave the author praise and constructive criticism; which are often far more valuable than rating mods... Mod Rating: Basic
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Canderis is back with us here at KotOR Files with a modification for the first Knights of the Old Republic game, what his latest creation does is to draw out the time it takes to level up. This is the modders solution to the fact you will have reached the max level for the game well before the games conclusion. This would also be considerably useful for those who have story line mods installed and didn't want to reach the maximum level earlier than the PC can already reach in game. This is only a beta, so it may contain a few issues, but for those who had issues with the levelling cap this may well provide a solution you were looking for. Enjoy! -- jonathan7 Please leave the author praise and constructive criticism; which are often far more valuable than rating mods... Mod Rating: Basic
Removes the tutorial elements from the game, while keeps Trask Ulgo as a party member in the first area of the Endar Spire.
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Removes the tutorial elements from the game, while keeps Trask Ulgo as a party member in the first area of the Endar Spire.
With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2.
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With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2.