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About this mod

Contains a bunch of save files that could be easily used to pop achievements on Steam.

Permissions and credits
copy the folder to the corresponding save folder on your computer. you must rename that folder to the same format as your save files (i.e. 000002 - Game1). You don't need to rename it to the correct number so long as the format is preserved. Click on load game and find the file - the number is likely to be different, and may belong to either character (there are two of them).  An easy way to resolve this is to move all of the folders in at once and rename them one at a time. The rest of the folders that do not follow the format will be named as "Quicksave" in the load screen. The achievement list is described below as such : (achievement - folder name)

Destiny Dominated, The Sith Lord - Destiny Dominated
Simply beat the game to get the dark ending. Load the game once and return to main menu to get the character to replace the sith lords on screen.

Pain Relief - pain relief, pain relief 2
The first folder might have some issues because Sion dies immediately after loading. Otherwise the second issue has the last segment of the fight, just beat him from there.

Hunger Strike,  Finders Keepers - NIHILUS
Defeat Nihilus and get Visas to bring you the mask afterwards.

Unlimited Power - unlimited power
Level up twice and learn Drain Life and Death Field

No Jedi Can Stop Us - no jedi can stop us
Proceed through the courtyard and talk to Kreia

Lost in Your Work - lost in your work  
Talk to T3 and select the repair option.

Martial Law - martial law 
Walk ahead and kill Talia.

Assassination Protocol: Active  - assassination protocol active
Talk to HK-47 and ask about how to kill Jedi.

I hate everything about you - i hate everything about you
Talk to the handmaiden and use the following dialogue options - why are you angry, trust visas, sacrifice me to atris

Nothing Personal - nothing personal 
Talk to Zherron to start the assault. After the cutscenes, the merc will walk in and ask you to stand aside. Do so and let them kill Adare.

Ancient History - ancient history
Talk to the Disciple.

Laugh it up, Fuzzball - laugh it up, fuzzball
Talk to Hanharr with the following options: are you alright -  question for you - why do you follow me -  so one day, you will try to kill me - what debt are you talking about - what kind of debt - you are a fool - but to adhere - all you need to do - then you shall always be prey - you are already damned - then walk my path.

If Only You Knew - if only you knew
Extremely close to max points. Talk to Geeda and chase her out, and there might be a few outstanding quests left in Nar Shadda to get dark side points.

The Walking Carpet - the walking carpet
Extremely close to max points. Talk to Geeda and chase her out, and there might be a few outstanding quests left in Nar Shadda to get dark side points.

It Was Like That When I Got Here!, I Didn't Do It, Don't Get Cocky - dont get cocky
Board the Ebon Hawk and start the shooting scene. Once you've shot all the troopers, Atton will say something and shortly after you'll get to decide whether you want to blow the asteroids up.

Over Achiever, Silent But Deadly, Let's Blow This Place!, Trust Me I'm A Doctor - SKILLS
Get to level 30 on the main character, max out stealth for Atton, treat injury and demolitions for mira. 

Seeker - seeker
Finish the fight here. 

Talk Them to Death - talk them to death
Level up persuasion on the main character once to 27. There is gear that will boost it to 30.

I am a Jedi - i am a jedi 
This one can be tricky because you're one hit away from dying. You need to spam "esc" ASAP as you're loading so that you can get into the character screen to level up. Learn master revitalize. 

Royal Protocol - royal protocol
walk straight ahead and finish the battle and side with queen talia

Short Circuit - short circuit
talk to hk-47 and say "i have a new upgrade part for you"

Breaking the Oath - breaking the oath
talk to handmaiden and use the following dialogue options: ask some questions - i wanted to talk to you about your mother - she was a jedi, her name was atris - it means you may be able to feel - if you do this,... 

Grave Robber - grave robber 
Loot any of the skeletal corpses

The Second Rule - the second rule 
finish the fight with Bralor

The First Rule, Orphan White - the first rule 
finish the fight with the handmaiden circle. Continue with the story after this and the handmaiden will join you.

The Gang's All Here - the gangs all here
Talk to Mandalore and he will join your party

Unadulterated Violence - unadulterated violence
Put in the last component for HK-47.

You Are The Droid I'm Looking For - you are the droid im looking for
Talk to G0T0 with the options: I wanted to talk to you - I think you used droids - It was the Bith - We've detected no similar - Normally, I would attribute - I suspect you are a droid - In all your operations - The first Republic droid. Then finish the rest of the conversation.

Hutt Oil - hutt oil
Talk to Vogga and convince him to sell oil to Peragus.

Luminous Beings - luminous beings
Extremely close to full light side here. Walk straight ahead and talk to Saquesh and offer to pay to free Adana.

Cheater, Pure Pazaak - cheater
Talk to "The Champ" (the short rat guy) with the following options: who are you again - so if you win - but what fun - every time though? - every time ? - persuade.

Lost Girl - lost girl
Kill the 3 HK-47s in front of you and continue with the story.

Your Eyes Can Deceive You - your eyes can deceive you
Talk to Visas with the following options: I had questions - tell me about your homeworld. Exhaust all dialogue on this topic until repeat questions come up. Try asking another question -> i have heard your species is blind - you said as if that sight is lost - when one endures. After that you should be able to select: How do you see through the force?. If you fail an influence check at any point, reload the file.

Pet Rock - pet rock
Finish the fight here and find the largest crystal with your name in the area ahead.

Last Stand - last stand
Talk to Zherron and start the assault. Help the settlers.