Legend of Grimrock 2

a week ago I was working on this mod when a huge crash hit my PC, I found out later that the C: had started "compressing" itself after too much data was on it, in a nutshell on booting up, all you saw was a black screen! Yes you can imagine all the efforts I went to restore the system

to no avail

a few days later the PC was in the shop, repair time!  several days of repair later, the PC was back working but minus the dungeons, minus LOGII in fact!!

the shop had repaired the PC and in fact ENHANCED the PC with extra equipment, but 90% of my personal files/ programs/ stuff wasn't there.

Or should I say, it was there .... but "buried" I could have taken the PC right there, I was already resigned to the fact that it would have been wiped clean, no back ups of the Oblivion editor, which granted was in its infancy (23k?)  .

anyway the Engineer Roberto had a theory and believed he could resurrect the 90% of data missing,  given time

I left the PC there and you can guess the rest! Roberto, THANK YOU!!  

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