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About this mod

Alters / Removes the cooldown from the ultimate / champion abilities: Mipha's Grace, Daruk's Protection, Revali's Gale and Urbosa's Fury.

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Removes the cooldown from the ultimate / champion abilities: Mipha's Grace, Daruk's Protection, Revali's Gale and Urbosa's Fury. So if you have Mipha's Grace you can't die anymore and its kinda a bit cheaty I guess xD Thats why I also made an alternative version that has 20 minutes cooldown on that ability. ( Besides that I think if an ability is currently on cd and you activate the mod, it won't reduce the cd until it finished charging once but then it does its job regularly. )

Tested and working with Cemu 2.0-32, BoTW 1.5 (WiiU).
Install with BCML.

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