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Awakened - Fine-Tuned Hi-Fidelity Reshade Preset
"Awakened" Is a modest, fine-tuned and high-fidelity color correction preset for Reshade. It features sharpening, clarity, SMAA & FXAA, and several options for ambient occlusion as well as a few for global illumination combinations at varying performance costs. It's the closest thing to what BotW looks like without the green filter and haze.
- 60KB
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Awakened - Fine-Tuned Hi-Fidelity Reshade Preset
"Awakened" Is a modest, fine-tuned and high-fidelity color correction preset for Reshade. It features sharpening, clarity, SMAA & FXAA, and several options for ambient occlusion as well as a few for global illumination combinations at varying performance costs. It's the closest thing to what BotW looks like without the green filter and haze.
HyperRealImmersion - A cinematic reshade preset for BOTW and TOTK
A Cinematic Reshade Preset to enhance the games beauty. For use with RTGI or Complete RT- Based Off of Digital Dreams' Videos.
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HyperRealImmersion - A cinematic reshade preset for BOTW and TOTK
A Cinematic Reshade Preset to enhance the games beauty. For use with RTGI or Complete RT- Based Off of Digital Dreams' Videos.