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Simple mod which give possibility to use as many passives as you wish
Now you have all battle symbols(gifts)
Do you get tired from grinding cards or books? This mod for you!
This mod enables ingame console
Will make your basemod updating/installing process much easier
Now you have all cards
Equip books and cards havent limits now
Adds a new reception from the "???" reception with obtainable keypages and combat pages
Replaces Binah's page and cards with changed variant from last battle.
Infinite DropBooks mod for those who doesn't want to farm endlessly.
Manually settings your game to have the best quality while reducing the performances cost. And disables unnecessary effects for every map in battle (Noteably Yesod).
- 46KB
- 258
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Manually settings your game to have the best quality while reducing the performances cost. And disables unnecessary effects for every map in battle (Noteably Yesod).
Change all Speed Dice sprite/color in game to custom sprite/coloring.
J-Corp(Official version-1.2)(CN-EN)
禁止未经授权的搬运(Reprinting is prohibited,if reprint must get the authorization)新增完整的主线战斗(Add complete mainline combat)目前已开放至第一章(It is now open to Chapter 1)
- 153.4MB
- 242
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J-Corp(Official version-1.2)(CN-EN)
禁止未经授权的搬运(Reprinting is prohibited,if reprint must get the authorization)新增完整的主线战斗(Add complete mainline combat)目前已开放至第一章(It is now open to Chapter 1)
Adds a new reception of Magical Girl from Nihil phase and equippable pages
Do you want to use EGO or Abno skins? Now you can
Add the final reception ---- End of the curtain
Book of Rats drops the combat pages of The Reverb Ensemble
(EN_JP_KR_CN) Macrosis' Ensemble Rework
Rework each ensemble's combat kit, one by one. Remaining members to do: Finn
- 23.9MB
- 179
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(EN_JP_KR_CN) Macrosis' Ensemble Rework
Rework each ensemble's combat kit, one by one. Remaining members to do: Finn
This mod unleashes the Full Power of Yujin, Tenma, and Valentin. Having the actual hardest fight in the game that is not actually impossible, will you challenge the True form of Shi?Now with Chinese translation by a26717569中文翻译现已激活,由 a26717569 提供Stage code done by PattyHoswell.
- 48KB
- 170
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This mod unleashes the Full Power of Yujin, Tenma, and Valentin. Having the actual hardest fight in the game that is not actually impossible, will you challenge the True form of Shi?Now with Chinese translation by a26717569中文翻译现已激活,由 a26717569 提供Stage code done by PattyHoswell.
Added some Operators of "Arknights" in "Library Of Ruina"Will add more in futurn.