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About this mod

Increases player speed, jump height, etc

Permissions and credits

This mod expands the player's movement options in game by increasing the following stats:

-Walk/Run Speed
-Climbing Speed
-Stamina Drain (reduced)
-Max Glider Speed
-Max Sled Speed
-Glider/Sled Cooldown
-Swim Speed
-Jump Height
-Grapple Range (Sticky Hand)

This lends itself to a much more satisfying free-flowing experience.

Installation Instructions:

Copy "Assembly-CSharp.dll" to <steamapps>\common\Lil Gator Game\Lil Gator Game_Data\Managed\

(where <steamapps> is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ depending on your installation)

Note: It will ask to overwrite the "Assembly-CSharp.dll" already there -- move it elsewhere or make a backup copy