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Pursuit Special V8 Interceptor
This is The last of the V8 Interceptors.There will be new mod updates for the seeable future.Thank you for all downloading my Mod.Cblades2002
- 186KB
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Pursuit Special V8 Interceptor
This is The last of the V8 Interceptors.There will be new mod updates for the seeable future.Thank you for all downloading my Mod.Cblades2002
No more having Chum fixing your vehicle every 10 seconds! This mod uses Cheat Engine to lock the vehicle health for the Magnum Opus.
- 0KB
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No more having Chum fixing your vehicle every 10 seconds! This mod uses Cheat Engine to lock the vehicle health for the Magnum Opus.
Wild Hunt Tail Panels and Edits
Black tar paint - black on black. Raw steel paint - completely bare metal like Razor Cola. All paints - intact rear panel and side vent from the interceptor
- 19.8MB
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Wild Hunt Tail Panels and Edits
Black tar paint - black on black. Raw steel paint - completely bare metal like Razor Cola. All paints - intact rear panel and side vent from the interceptor
All black and completely stripped colors for all the Opus bodies.