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Adds a BarberShop :D
New Realistic Car Interiors
DLC Bulas Pack Delizia Grande America and Waybar
Delizia Grande America and Waybar in your garage.
- 7.7MB
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DLC Bulas Pack Delizia Grande America and Waybar
Delizia Grande America and Waybar in your garage.
A global mod for Mafia 2 Classic intended to bring a vast amount of challenge into the game. I revamped Chapters 2-5, 8-15, 4 main missions in JA and the traffic in the story, JA, FFL (increased max health of the script enemies, gangs and the police, changed weapons, skins, cars). For more info about the changes READ the detailed description.
- 476.4MB
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A global mod for Mafia 2 Classic intended to bring a vast amount of challenge into the game. I revamped Chapters 2-5, 8-15, 4 main missions in JA and the traffic in the story, JA, FFL (increased max health of the script enemies, gangs and the police, changed weapons, skins, cars). For more info about the changes READ the detailed description.
Cigarette Cards for Mafia 2 by Bulas
All Cigarette Cards from Mafia DE + 6 Concept Cards..
- 66.3MB
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Cigarette Cards for Mafia 2 by Bulas
All Cigarette Cards from Mafia DE + 6 Concept Cards..
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